Education Moore Exotics


Savannah Cat



 Size: 10-20lbs

The Savannah’s tall and thin body gives them the illusion of being larger than their true weight. Savannah is a beautiful and slim cat, with long legs, a delicate neck, and tall, huge ears. Male Savannahs are bigger than females. 

Savannahs are a mix between domestic cats and African Serval cats. Savannah cats kept as pets should be at least four generations removed from their most recent wild parent since cats with greater ties to the wild might be challenging to care for.


 Activity Level: Active

Social needs: Enjoy human company. Not suited for families that have small sized pets

Savannah is a lively and confident cat that likes engaging with humans and other cats. It is intelligent and inquisitive, and it is always seeking new and exciting things to do. Provide the cat with plenty of robust, strong toys and regular playtimes, otherwise, you may find it to be rather destructive. The Savannah may not be suited for households with small pets like gerbils and birds due to their strong hunting instincts. 


Savannah, the first Savannah cat, was presented to the world in 1986. The breed’s first member was created by mating a male wild African serval cat with a domestic Siamese cat. The resultant kitten had the beautiful spotted coat and physique of a wild cat but preserved her mother’s kind, domestic personality.

Care as a Pet



Savannah cats enjoy to leap and land on high places because of their long legs and athletic grace. Provide a high cat tree or other secure places to climb. Of course, you should also anticipate that your cat may notice high places and want to scale them, such as cabinet tops, shelves, and refrigerators. Just make sure there are no breakable objects in your cat’s path because it is a quirky behavior that many owners come to love.

Many savannah animals enjoy playing in the water, just like servals. Don’t force your cat into the pool; instead, fill a kiddie pool and let it explore the water at its own leisure. Outdoor recreation without the danger of elopement is possible with a pool enclosure. On sweltering summer days, just be careful to offer shade. Savannah cats will also frequently put up with wearing a harness and walking with their owners in the open air.


Savannah cats have been compared to dogs because they like retrieve games and can be trained. They may be trained to perform tricks and follow instructions using a clicker just like a dog.

Nutrition and Diet

Savannah cats’ dietary needs are the same as those of domestic cats. Some experts advise combining commercial wet or dry food with either raw or cooked meat. Some specialists could suggest a taurine supplement because they believe the breed requires more taurine. Others contend that since the animal’s wild ancestors consumed a diet high in complete proteins, dry food should not contain any grains or maize.

Ensure that your cat has access to clean, fresh water, however Savannah cats may want to play in the water dish. If you plan to adopt a kitten, talk to your breeder and your vet about the cat’s food. As a cat ages, its demands will alter, therefore you need to watch out that your cat doesn’t gain too much weight.

Grooming needs

 Savannah Cats shed less than long-haired breeds and hence require very little maintenance. However, due to their lively nature, they may make a mess and require a wash.


savannah table

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