Education Moore Exotics


Sarda Goat

Sarda Goat


It’s a good idea to have a backup plan in place in case something goes wrong. The breed is highly resilient and well-suited to being raised in harsh environments in a wild or semi-wild state. Goats are marginalized and only permitted in the worst terrain because the Sarda sheep consume the most of the pasture. They also receive little to no additional feeding beyond what they can graze on.


Because of their extreme hardiness, sarda goats are ideal for raising in harsh environments, whether they are fully or partially wild. They are ideally suited to the island of Sardinia’s particular environment, which consists primarily of hills with arid soils.


It is a goat breed with two distinct uses. They are ideal for both the production of milk and meat. Nonetheless, in its original land, the breed is mostly bred for milk production. The Sarda breed of dairy goat is not among the best. For primiparous, secondiparous, and pluriparous nannies, their milk production per lactation is 173 62 liters, 215 98 liters, and 237 109 liters, respectively.


Domestic goats of the Sarda breed are native to the central Italian island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean. In the provinces of Cagliari and Nuoro in particular, it is raised all across the island. The Maltese goat has had an impact on this historic breed.

The Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia, the national association of sheep- and goat-breeders in Italy, maintains a genealogical herdbook for each of the eight indigenous Italian goat breeds, including the Sarda. In 1981, the herd book was started. 


Keeping as pet:

  • Housing

For the Sarda goat farming industry, it is crucial to construct a proper house or shelter for the animals. So construct a quality goat housing. The Sarda goat breed, like many other domestic goat breeds, prefers to live in dry, sterile environments. Making a higher housing for the animals will therefore be beneficial for them.

The house should be constructed in a way that makes cleaning it simple. Build a reliable ventilation system and make sure there is enough air and light flowing within the home. Each goat will need a home space of about 12 square feet because they are a medium-sized breed. Nevertheless, if you want to grow your goats using a stall feeding method, you’ll need to set aside an additional 25 to 30 square feet of play room for each goat.

  • Feeding

The most crucial aspect of Sarda goat husbandry is providing the animals with wholesome nourishment. As a result, strive to always provide your goats enough nourishing food. The Sarda goats will require both grains and greens because they are a dual-purpose animal.

As advised by an experienced veterinarian, give the goats vitamins and minerals. And make sure you constantly give your goats adequate clean, fresh water to meet their needs.


Sarda goat table

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