Education Moore Exotics


Santolina Virens

Santolina virens


Santolina Virens, a dense, bushy evergreen of the Asteraceae family, is also referred to as “Green Lavender Cotton.” This Santolina has a dense, bushy appearance and grows to a height and spread of one meter on average. Its growth habit is compact and rounded. This plant’s main feature is its foliage. The leaves are lance-shaped, have a delicate texture, and are silver-green in hue. It’s an excellent choice for aromatherapy because of the strong, pleasant smell released when the leaves are crushed.

The shrub bears tiny yellow flowers in summer that cluster together. The button-shaped, spherical flowers emerge at the terminals of the stems. Although the flowers are not very spectacular, they give the plant a distinctive texture and attract pollinators like butterflies and bees.


Originating in the Mediterranean area, it is extensively grown for its eye-catching foliage, fragrant aroma, and vibrant yellow blooms.


The leaves and flower petals were thought to have antispasmodic, antiseptic, stimulant, vermifuge, and menstrual cycle regulation properties. They were also crushed and applied topically, providing rapid pain relief for stings and bites from insects.

Santolina virens.

Plant Care

  • Watering:

The plant doesn’t need to be watered frequently because it can withstand drought. During the growing season, give the plant a deep watering once a week; in the winter, irrigation should be reduced.

  • Soil: 

The plant likes slightly alkaline, well-draining soil. Add some sand or gravel to the soil to assist drainage if it’s heavy or poorly drained.

  • Fertilizing: 

Once a year, in the spring, fertilize the plant with a balanced fertilizer. Refrain from over fertilizing as this may make the plant lanky and less appealing in terms of leaves.

  • Pruning: 

To keep it in shape and size, prune in the spring. Remove as much as a third to half of the stems’ length by cutting them back; be careful not to cut into the old wood, which does not sprout new growth.

  • Sunlight: 

For the plant to grow, it has to be in direct sunlight. Make sure it is planted in an area that gets six hours or more of direct sunlight each day.


Santolina virens table

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