Education Moore Exotics


San Luis Potosi Kingsnake

San Luis Potosi Kingsnake


Scientific name: Lampropeltis mexicana   

Life span: 12 Years + 

This kingsnake is a sub-cylindrical, smooth-skinned snake that is more ventrally flattened than most Lampropeltis species. It has a long tail, a wide head, and big eyes. Adults reach a height of between 140 and 200 cm (55–79 in). This snake has broad red saddle-shaped markings that are divided by cream, brown, or pinkish bars and are bordered on the outside by black. Although the order of the colors does not change, the size and color of the bands do. The head of the nominated subspecies is covered in elaborate patterns and bears recognizable red markings.

Ruthven’s Kingsnakes

Native Region/Habitat

Northeastern Mexico is home to this species of kingsnake. San Luis Potos is the home of the nominate subspecies. This snake typically lives in hilly settings with rocky hillsides, valleys, and deserts as well as wooded, oak-forested, and grassy environments. Its altitude ranges from 4,265 to 7,874 feet above sea level, or 1,300 to 2,400 m.


This kingsnake is a nocturnal, elusive species that spends the daytime hidden behind rocks and dead trees. It consumes amphibians, small mammals, and reptiles as well as its primary target, nocturnal lizards. It lays a clutch of three to five eggs per time since it is oviparous.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

When it comes to care and nutrition, kingsnakes are a simple species to keep in captivity. To prevent cannibalism, adult animals can, like nearly all Lampropeltis species, be kept apart outside of the breeding season. Mature animals should live in terrariums with a minimum floor area of 80x40cm. The height of the terrarium is less significant for this species because it practically never climbs, so it can even be housed successfully in a rack system. A heating mat or spot can be used to provide warmth. They are not creatures that sunbathe, therefore they warm themselves by lying between stones that have been warmed by the sun. Scarlet kingsnakes live in the eastern and southeastern regions of the United States. In addition to prairies, cultivated fields, mesic pine-oak forests, pine savannas, hydric hammocks, pine flatwoods, and pine savannas, they can also be found in a variety of suburban environments. Scarlet kingsnakes are frequently discovered in swimming pools by homeowners, especially in the spring.

It can occasionally be challenging to start up newly hatched animals on baby mice. This is due to the fact that tiny lizards are their primary natural prey. Then rubbing a pinky mouse along a lizard might be beneficial. making the mouse smell lizard-like by scenting it. After consuming these scented mice, they frequently rapidly switch to unscented prey. There is not a Lampropeltis feed.


San Luis Potosi Kingsnake table

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