Education Moore Exotics


Salvini Cichlid

Salvini Cichlid


8 inches long

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The Salvini Cichlid family is among the fish with the most beautiful visuals. They have a spherical, golden-yellow body with a pointed nose, two rows of black “flowers” along each side, and a pointed tail. Then, areas of iridescence that dazzle and shimmer in the water cover it. A tank with at least 55 gallons of water is required to sustain a Salvini cichlid, which can grow to be 8 inches long.


They have adapted to a habitat that possesses the following features: Ideal water conditions would be in a 55-gallon (210-liter) tank with a temperature range of 72 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 to 25 degrees C), a pH of 6.8 to 7.4, and a hardness range of 5 to 8 degrees carbon dioxide equivalents (dGH) (83.4-133.4 ppm).

In Captivity


  • Care of Aquariums

Due to their filthy excretions, Salvini Cichlids demand frequent and thorough water changes. You will need to do water changes of 20 to 25 percent at least once a week, more frequently depending on the bio load and how densely populated your aquarium is. It is preferable to use an algae magnet or sponge to remove any algae from the side panes before beginning the water change. During the water change, thoroughly vacuum the substrate and remove all fish waste and biological debris (including food) from the tank. Unattended biological decay can easily transform a healthy tank into a cesspool of disease. You can have healthy and content fish for a very long time if you establish a strict maintenance schedule for these fish based on the load in the tank.

Water Changes: 20 to 25% every week.

  • Setup of an Aquarium

For one fish, a minimum aquarium size of 50 gallons is advised. If keeping a pair or with other cichlids, a larger tank (100 gallons or more is recommended), will be required. They require strong and effective filtration in addition to good water flow. For these fish, it is advised to use a decent canister filter. The canister filter will aid water flow as well. To boost water flow, powerheads can be added.

Give people lots of places to hide among the rocks and wood. They are thought to be better colored fish if kept in a planted aquarium because they don’t burrow or attack plants. The middle of the tank will remain open for swimming if plants are placed around the inside perimeter of the tank.

  • 50 gal. minimum tank size (189 L)
  • Sand as a Substrate Type
  • Moderate to moderate illumination is required.
  • 72.0 to 79.0 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 to 26.1 degrees Celsius) 
  • 76.0° F is Breeding Temperature
  • pH range: 6.5-8.0
  • Range of hardness: 8 to 15 dGH
  • Moderate – On the high side of moderate for water movement. To ensure proper water circulation, canister filters and powerheads are advised.
  • All Water Regions


  • Feeding and Food

The Salvini Cichlid is predominantly a carnivore in nature, preying on small fish and aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates while being omnivorous. They often consume a variety of live, fresh, and flake foods in the aquarium. Give them high-quality flake food or pellet every day to maintain a healthy balance. This fish will receive the additional vitamins it requires by adding some blanched spinach and cucumbers. As a treat, give brine shrimp (either live or frozen) or bloodworms.


salvini cichlid table

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