Education Moore Exotics


Saker Falcons

Saker falcons.


Life span: Up to 10-25 years

Saker falcons have vast wingspans and are strong, large birds of prey. Their feathers can range in color from almost pure white to pale sand with brown bars or streaks. Young birds are darker and more strongly streaked than adults, who are similar in size to both sexes. With dimensions of 45–57 cm in length and 97–126 cm in wingspan, the saker falcon is bigger than the lanner falcon and almost as big as the gyrfalcon. Females weigh 970-1,300 g, whilst males weigh 730-990 g (26-35 oz). . It resembles a bigger, darker gyrfalcon. In comparison to the related Lanner falcon, it is bigger and stronger. The color of Saker falcons’ feathers varies. Young birds are darker and more strongly streaked than adults, who are similar in size to both sexes.

Native Region/Habitat

Saker falcons breed from central Europe all the way to Asia. They spend their winters in Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, northern Pakistan, and western China, with the exception of the far south. Raptors that favour broad grasslands with trees or cliffs include Saker falcons. In some parts of their habitat, they can also be found next to water, in rural areas, and even in cities.

Saker falcons


The majority of the time that saker falcons spend hunting is during the day. They regularly pursue prey horizontally, usually at a low altitude. They are extremely patient hunters, spending hours perched on the porch or flying through the air searching for prey before plunging in for the kill when it is located. Although breeding pairs prefer to nest alone, Saker falcons may nest closer together in locations where food is plentiful. Saker falcons are not particularly gregarious birds and are typically encountered alone or in pairs. Saker falcons use a harsh “kiy-ee” or a repetitive “kyak-kyak-kyak” call to communicate verbally. Because Saker falcons are monogamous, only one female can mate with each male. Males put on dramatic courtship displays to entice females during their breeding season, which lasts from April to May. They typically call loudly while soaring over their territory.

As a pet/In captivity

Saker falcons are undesirable as pets. But before they may be kept as pets in several nations, like the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, they must receive the appropriate training and license. However, owners do not need to have a license or permit in the UAE, India, or Pakistan in order to pet these lovely animals.


Saker falcons table

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