Education Moore Exotics


Saanen Goat



The Saanen is a typical dairy-type animal with a wedge-shaped body and a straight or dished facial line. As compared to the other Alpine breeds in Australia, Saanens are of average height. White to creamy white is the color of the hair. Saanen goats can have straight or dish-shaped faces and erect ears.

Saanens are capable of surviving in extremely cold conditions, but their hair is short and thin. On the animal’s spine and hips, there are longer patches. Its pale skin makes it susceptible to sunburn, therefore during the hot summer months you will need to keep an eye on the goat’s skin.


Saanens are frequently characterized as being kind, sympathetic, and amiable. They are peaceful individuals who get along well with the other members of their herd. They will get along with other farm animals and yard animals, possibly even developing close bonds with them. They can develop ties with their human owners as well. Because they are pack animals, goats will accept other animals and even people into their herd if they don’t already have one.


The Saanen dairy goat is the most prevalent breed of dairy goat in the world and is prized for its plentiful milk production, toughness, and peaceful, endearing character. Saanens are one of the biggest breeds of dairy goats and are completely white in color.


The Saanen is a breed of Swiss dog that was developed in the Saane Valley. In many nations, including Australia, it is now the breed of dairy goat that people choose. The New South Wales Department of Agriculture first brought Saanens, the first of the improved dairy goat breeds, into Australia in 1913.

Keeping as pet:


Caring For the Saanen Goat

  • Nutritional Needs

The basic nutritional needs of dairy goats are the same as those of the majority of other breeds. Legumes and grasses make the greatest fodder for them.

Yet, grain supplements are frequently used by dairy producers to boost milk output.

  •  Housing and Fencing

Like other goats, saanen goats require housing and fence. Though you might think about keeping them inside a dairy barn with access to a milking parlour if you’re utilising them in a dairy operation. Saanen goats are adept climbers and jumpers, and when given the chance, they enjoy honing their escape artistry. It’s crucial to select strong fencing that is at least 4 feet tall.

  • Health Issues and Care

While being a sturdy breed, the Saanen can nevertheless contract disease just like any other breed if it is housed in a small space. Deworming schedules that are consistent are essential for any goat dairy company. Having said that, if your goats are maintained as pets or given lots of room to wander, they won’t require as frequent deworming.


saanen goat table

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