Education Moore Exotics


Runt Pigeon



The runt pigeon is a monomorphic species, meaning there are no discernible morphological distinctions between males and females, according to studies on random mating and captive breeding. The body colour of the runt pigeon is light brown or grey, with a paler belly. Although there are white bands on each of the four wing feathers, the wings and tail are mostly black. It has black wings with white stripes on all four of them and resembles a mix between a dove and a pigeon.


Origin/ Habitat

Around 1900, someone in need of a replacement for the common dove brought the runt pigeon to America. People would grow pigeons instead of doves since they have better homing instincts. Because of this, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact date and location of the first pigeon use in warfare.

In the eastern United States, Canada, and Central America, runt pigeons can be found. They are generally found in areas with plenty of trees, such as forests or densely populated areas.

As Pet

Give your pigeons a clean, spacious place to live. To increase your pigeons’ chances of surviving, provide them with a good health regimen. Give them a balanced diet each day. Every day, clean their drinking water just as you would clean your own. When you first receive a pair of your birds, keep them silent and peaceful so they may learn how to interact without any issues surfacing later on that might cause tensions in their relationships. Make sure that your pigeons always have access to clean drinking water if you want them to have a long and healthy life.


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