Education Moore Exotics


Rummy-Nose Tetra

Rummy-nose tetra


1.8 inches

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The entire body of the fish is translucent in a greenish hue. Under stress, the fish’s red color drastically diminishes. The flesh fin and fluke are a light shade of white, whereas the rest of the fish’s fins are completely clear. By chance, you’ll notice four shorter white stripes in between three longer black ones. The tail of the fish bears three lengthy, black spots. Tetras can be recognized by the striking red mark on their heads.

Keeping as Pet

Rummy-nose tetra fish

  • Water Conditions

Unsuitable water conditions can be quite harmful to rummy nose tetras. A pleasant temperature for the space should be maintained between 72 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 29 degrees C). The pH and hardness should remain within the advised 5.5 to 6.8 range.

  • Tank Size

A school of rummy nose tetras should be kept in a tank (from about 7 species). In this instance, they establish a hierarchy within which you can fully observe their activity and coloring. For this many fish, a tank with a capacity of 25 gallons is more than sufficient.

  • Feeding

The Rummy Nose Tetra can eat any kind of live, frozen, or synthetic food. Additionally, you can feed them high-quality flakes, and to add variety to their diet, you can occasionally offer them tubifex and blood worms.

  • Relationships between Tank Mates

is a calm fish that schools. Due to the rummy nose tetra’s fear of being moved and transported, care must be taken (it may be shocked – it may freeze and stop moving or move harshly and uncoordinated, the body gets dark).

This could result in the death of the rummy nose tetra. Naturally, rummy nose shouldn’t be housed in the same tank as big, predatory fish. Angelfish, betta fish, livebearers, neon tetra, black neon tetra, cardinal tetra, neon tetra, and discus fish are all possible tank mates.


rummy-nose tetra table

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