Education Moore Exotics


Ruddy Duck

Ruddy Duck

The words oxus, which means “sharp,” and oura, which means “tail,” are taken from the Greek language, while jamaicensis means “from Jamaica.”

Fun Fact

  • Ruddy ducks lay the largest of all duck eggs in terms of body size. These eggs are huge, white, and have a pebbly texture. The eggs are extremely energy-intensive to make, yet they hatch into well-developed ducklings that only need a short amount of care.


They are small, compact ducks with long, stiff tails that they frequently carry cocked upward and strong, scoop-shaped beak. They have fairly short, robust necks and heads that are slightly peaked. The blackish heads of the male ruddy ducks contrast with their dazzling white faces. In the summer, they have stunning chestnut bodies and vibrant blue bills. They have dull gray bills and are dull gray-brown above and paler below in the winter. The light cheek patch on females and first-year males has a blurred stripe that mimics the winter males in several aspects. Ruddy ducks’ wing tips are entirely dark when they are flying.



Numerous animals, such as raccoons, mink, American crows, red-tailed hawks, and great horned owls, hunt on ruddy ducks.


Mostly insects, seeds, and roots. Consumes pondweed, sedge, smartweed, coontail, and grass seeds and roots. Also consumes crabs, mollusks, and aquatic insects, albeit rarely small fish. Insects and their larvae may be the primary summertime meals consumed.


Fresh marshes, ponds, and lakes; salt bays in the winter. Lays its eggs in freshwater or alkaline lakes and ponds that have wide marshy borders and open water regions. On protected shallow bays and estuaries along the coast in the winter; also, on interior ice-free lakes and ponds, including those with little to no marshy border.

As Pet

Ruddies are eccentric creatures who prefer their own way of life, thus they don’t make the ideal pets.


ruddy duck table

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