Education Moore Exotics


Royal Whiptail Catfish

Royal Whiptail Catfish


Maximum size of 8 inches

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

This fish stands out from the throng because of the “streamer” extensions on its tail and its slender, twig-like look. a calm fish that needs cover to deal with stress. I usually keep my odd whip-tailed companion hidden throughout the day, but when it decides to stay out in the tank for a little while, 

Keeping as Pet

Royal Whiptail-Catfish

  • Water Condition

Temperature range: 22 to 30 C (72-86 degrees Fahrenheit). pH: 6.5 – 7.5. KH: 6 – 10 dKH. A tank of at least 30 gallons is advised.

  • Tank Size

This fish should be kept in a tank that is at least 30 gallons in size. Although it would be wise to use plants and rocks, there is no need for a lot of cover. The Royal Farlowella Cat needs a lot of aeration and good filtration.

  • Substrate

The substrate should be smooth sand or fine gravel for the greatest aquascaping results. The fish will stay there for a long period as it travels slowly and forages for food.

  • Lighting

According to some aquarists, bright lighting is preferred, hence an LED light fixture should be used to offer strong lighting. Well, I think there’s a little miscommunication going on here. As a nocturnal fish, Royal Farlowella doesn’t have high lighting requirements. The lighting in the aquarium should be adjusted to the requirements of the plants. Additionally, good illumination is required since it will help algae develop on driftwood and other surfaces, which the fish can consume. The aquarium’s sufficient lighting will promote the development of the green algae and aufwuchs that Royal Farlowella love to consume.

  • Diet

The Royal Farlowella Cat has to be fed algae wafers and sinking catfish pellets in addition to the leftover food it will scavenge from the bottom.


royal whiptail catfish table

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