Education Moore Exotics


Roseline Torpedo Shark

Roseline Torpedo Shark


A Roseline Torpedo Shark can grow to a maximum length of about 4.5 inches.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The appearance of this species in its natural state is similar to that of a minnow; it is darker on the back and whiter on the belly, with recognisable black and red separating lines. The Golden variant, in contrast, has a yellowish body with red accents in the tail and a dorsal fin that is crimson. The vibrant colors and tropical-looking patterns of this fish, which are unique to a reef, are most likely caused by the lack of melanin.


The resilient fish known as roseline torpedo sharks can survive in conditions between 60 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 and 25 degrees Celsius). For the healthiest fish, maintain the aquarium’s water at the ideal temperature and pH level. They thrive in water with a neutral pH, though they may tolerate slight acidity.

Pet Care Guides


  • Tank Size

Since they are a social and active species, roseline sharks require a large tank with space for other fish and plenty of swimming space. A tank that is no smaller than 55 gallons and 4 feet long may accommodate six Roseline Sharks. As they grew larger, more space would be required. Roseline sharks are migratory animals that travel in shoals and may contain hundreds of different species in their natural habitat. Since there is more room for movement in large groups, Roseline Sharks held in captivity do better.

Every Roseline Shark that is introduced to an aquarium typically needs 6 to 10 gallons of tank space to move around freely. Roseline sharks have a tendency to act violently or injure themselves when they are in small places by smashing into the aquarium glass.

  • Diet

Roseline sharks are omnivores that consume seaweed, mosquito larvae, and aquatic insects in their natural environment. Rosaline Sharks kept in captivity are allowed to consume commercially supplied tropical flakes and pellets-based food. If the Roseline Shark consumes fresh or frozen foods high in carotene or fat-soluble powders, it may be able to maintain its stunning, vividly coloured markings. Brine shrimp, bloodworms, aquatic plants, or tiny pieces of green leafy vegetables like lettuce or cucumber could be found in an organic or frozen diet.

  • Tank Companion

This fish should ideally be kept in small groups. These fish require social connection to maintain good health because they do not thrive when left alone.

Here are some suitable tank companions:

  • Greater varieties of tetras
  • Apistogramma Cherry Barb 
  • Heavenly pearl Rosy Danio Barb 
  • Fluorescent Fish Tiger Barb 
  • Cichlid Kribensis 
  • Barb Odessa
  • Water Conditions

The good news is that this fish can withstand a wide variety of conditions. You shouldn’t experience any significant issues as long as you stay within the permissible ranges and prevent any significant variations.

  • 60 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit for the water (aim for the middle of this range)
  • pH ranges from 6.6 to 7.8
  • Hardness of water: 5 to 25 dGH


roseline torpedo shark table

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