Education Moore Exotics


Rodent Services



The transition between facial and body grooming frequently takes place in the syntactic chain pattern, which is a combination of specific and highly stereotyped sequential movements used by mature rodents.

grooming. grooming

Boarding Services

The term “rodent boarding services” refers to the provision of a sleeping area, daily meals, and daily exercise, and specifically excludes veterinary services and care.

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Pet rodents are trained by rodent trainers to learn a variety of behaviors and skills.

training. training


Professionals in the sales and distribution of things for rodents, like as food, toys, bedding, cages, and accessories, are employed by businesses that produce or provide these items.

product. product

Photography and Art

The act or practice of photographing and painting rodents. Photographers and painters who focus on rodents are experts at capturing or producing creative images of rats.

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Show Performer/Trainer

The natural behaviors and skills of trained rats can be observed by rodent show performers and trainers at entertainment venues or events.

show-performer-trainer. show-performer-trainer

Genetics Specialist

Individuals and families with varied genetic indications and/or particular genetic diseases are evaluated, diagnosed, and treated by rodent geneticists with specialized training. genetics-specialist

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