Education Moore Exotics


Rock Squirrel



The Sciuridae rodent family includes the rock squirrel (Otospermophilus variegatus) as a species. One of the biggest members of the Sciuridae family is the rock squirrel. Their coat is a speckled greyish brown in the front and top, and a more mottled brownish-black in the back and bottom. They have pointed ears that extend far over their heads, as well as a distinct light-colored ring around their eyes. The tail of a rock squirrel is long and bushy, with white borders.


Native to Mexico and the southwest of the United States, rock squirrels. They can be found from Nevada, Utah, and Colorado south through Texas and California to Puebla, Mexico, which is the furthest south. Rock-lined canyons, cliffs, talus slopes, canyon walls, and hillsides are where you’ll find these squirrels. They also reside in cities.



When it’s warm out, rock squirrels are most active in the early morning and late afternoon. They might estimate when it’s extremely hot. On cool mornings, these squirrels search for food by climbing trees and bushes or by digging in the ground. They consume some of the meal right away and take a sizable amount back to a secure location where they may finish the remainder. Rock squirrels are sociable animals that live in colonies with many females and one dominant male that defends the colony by engaging in combat with other adult males. Rock squirrels live in holes that they have dug for themselves with their powerful legs and sharp claws. These burrows provide all shelter, security, dwelling quarters, and food storage.

As Pet

Many people keep rock squirrels as pets. It is crucial to give them an environment that closely resembles their natural home while caressing them. Therefore, adequate space is essential for their healthy growth and development. The required size for a rock squirrel cage is 4x6x6, and it should be attractively covered with branches, grasses, leaves, and bark. The rock squirrels use these plant components to construct their own nests.

Walnuts, mesquite seeds, cactus, pine nuts, saltbush, berries, figs, acorns, fruits, and seeds should all be included in a rock squirrel’s diet. Additionally, insects like grasshoppers, caterpillars, and crickets should be part of their diet. It is occasionally advisable to give rock squirrels food supplements like calcium powder.


rock-squirrel table

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