Education Moore Exotics


Rock Flower Anemone

Rock Flower Anemone

Rock flower anemones are quite suitable for novices. They require minimal attention and one can take a long time without having to attend to them. They do not bother much over the lighting and the trail. They are sessile and do not move about as the other species of anemones do. Just for that they are cheap, cheerful, and should work in most tanks of sizes. However, to make a good start, take the time to look at the information below so that you avoid the common mistakes made by ‘HUB’ first time buyers.


 It is a marine anemone naturally found in the Mediterranean Sea departing from rocky shores and shallow water coasts. It anchors itself on rocks and stones where it can avail itself of the copious sunlight in the area. Most of these types of anemones are highly tolerant of changes in water conditions and thus relatively more tolerant than other anemones.


The Rock Flower Anemone has body that is cylindrical in shape with a number of tentacles all arranged in the form of a crown. The anemone can be greenish, from the sheer pale green to vivid tones of green that may be combined with brown or purple apices. These organs are usually colorless and covered with structures – nematocysts – that are employed to paralyze predators as well as to catch food.

Rock Flower Anemone.

Care in Captivity

In order to adequately care for a Rock Flower Anemone, this organism must be provided with an appropriate captive environment which mimics its natural habitat as closely as possible.

  •  Aquarium size: Although they are not very big as compared to other anemone species they still need space to grow. This species should be maintained in at least a 20 US gallon aquarium.
  •  Water parameters: Thus, successful water conditions management should always be stable. It is best kept between 68-77 0F (20-25 0C) with a salinity level of 1. 023-1. 025. Another crucial point is that it is also necessary to change the water frequently to maintain the cleanliness and to avoid build-up of waste products.
  •  Lighting: Rock Flower Anemones should be planted in moderate to bright light areas. For their health and colors; the kind of lights that need to be put there should be put there.
  •  Substrate: Despite the fact that some of these anemones can stick to rocks or any other surface type, the substrate of sand will help to create a stable base of the aquarium.
  •  Water flow: It was evident that a moderate flow in the water is essential to supply the metabolic requirements such as oxygen and food particles in the anemone’s environment.
  •  Tankmates: Rock Flower Anemone is mostly a peaceful anemone which can share the aquarium with numerous fish types. Nevertheless, one needs to select fish that may not become hostile to the anemone, by becoming too aggressive.


Rock Flower Anemones are Auricularias and are meat eaters, having a diet that include small fish, shrimps and other mollusks. They can be fed with live or even frozen food; however, the uneaten food must be withdrawn to avoid spoiling the water. These anemones can be supplemented with brine shrimp or mysis shrimp, as needed In addition, bi-color calcarata anemones can also be fed brine shrimp, or mysis shrimp occasionally.


While Rock Flower Anemones are generally compatible with a variety of tank mates, it’s essential to consider the size and temperament of other inhabitants. Avoid aggressive fish that may harm the anemone.


Rose bubble tip anemone table


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