Education Moore Exotics


Ringed Teal Duck

Ringed Teal Duck

The ringed teal (Callonetta leucophrys) is a little duck found in the jungles of South America. The genus Callonetta only contains one species of it. 

Fun Facts

  • One of the tiniest ducks in the world is the ringed teal.
  • The Ringed Teal’s Latin name translates roughly to “the lovely duck with the white wing patches.”
  • Ringed teal are known for being able to perch on tree branches thanks to their webbed toes and long, pointed claws. These unusual toes are special since most ducks find it difficult to stay seated on tree branches.
  • Newly hatched ducklings of Ringed teal must leap out of their nests in order to follow their parents because these birds nest in tree cavities.


The male and female do not have eclipse plumage, therefore they are always colorful. The drake’s (male) back is dark chestnut, his sides are light gray, and his breast is salmon with black spots. The nape of its neck is connected to the top of its head by a black ring. Females have a pale breast and belly, an olive-brownish back, and a head that is striated and blotched in white. Both have a noticeable white patch on the wing, a dark tail, and a contrasting light rump. Both sexes have pink feet and legs and gray bills.

Ringed-Teal Duck


Humans, foxes, raptors, and wild cats are examples of predators.


Both herbivores and carnivores are ringed teal (insectivores). They will eat seeds and shoots in addition to a range of aquatic plants and animals.


Ringed teal can be found in Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, and the northwest of Argentina and Paraguay where they breed. In densely forested lowlands, they live in tropical, swampy forests, marshy clearings, hidden pools, and little streams.


ringed teal duck table

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