Education Moore Exotics


Ring-Necked Dove



Life span:  10-15 years

Ring-necked, the black feather semi-collar on the lower neck is where the dove gets its name. Their body feathers are darkest in the upper portion, which is generally dull shades of gray and brown with touches of lavender on the neck. It is paler below, where there is frequently a pinkish lavender hue. The lower belly and white under tail coverts round the cloaca. 

Habitat/Native Region

They are of African descent. In most Southern states, such as Georgia and Florida, it is typical to see a couple of these hardy birds standing by the side of the road. It inhabits a broad range of habitats, including scrubby semi-desert areas, savannahs of Boscia and Acacia, as well as various kinds of forests, agricultural areas, and open fields.

As Pet

Ring-Necked Dove.


Doves are nice and calm animals; unlike certain parrot species, they don’t bite or strike. Although ring-necked doves are easily tamed by the hand, most owners do not interact with them in this way. These birds like being in pairs and procreate quickly. They will even raise their young in a feeding bowl or on the floor of an aviary because they don’t have a particular preference for where they choose to lay their eggs.

Kids can handle these birds as long as they treat them with kindness and patience and respect their sensitive nature. Ring-necked doves have a cooing sound that is similar to pigeons’ while not being very loud.


Housing needs for doves are different from those for parrots. Doves must move around by flying back and forth because they cannot scale the cage bars like parrots can, so a large cage is a necessary component. To promote healthy feet in person doves, provide perches of various sizes and shapes. Doves also need access to sites where they can bathe. It could be tempting to keep breeding these birds all year round, but doing so would just make them weak and burned out. The majority of aviculturists advise giving them a few months of rest in between clutches.


Ring-Necked Dove table

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