Education Moore Exotics


Rhubarb Bolete

Rhubarb Bolete.

Scientific name 

Boletellus obscurecoccineus


Rhubarb Bolete is a beautiful mushroom that has a vibrant red crown, bright yellow pores, and scales distributed on the stem define this species. Their stem is yellow in color at the apex and deep crimson at the bottom. When young, they are hemispherical to the convex-shaped crown with an overlapping border. In mature mushrooms, the cap may shatter, revealing the golden flesh beneath. They have adnexed pores, have 5- 6 sides and are yellowish in color. In rare cases, they produce bluish spores. The slender stipe has no ring and can grow to be 10 cm in length and have a diameter of about 2- 3 cm. Generally, it is crimson and scaly and has a faded yellow color under the cap. Their mycelium is white in color. There is no discernible scent, and the flavor is modest. The long light yellow colored spores measure about  15 -20 by 6- 8 μm under the microscope. 

Rhubarb Bolete


Rhubarb Bolete is native to Java, Taiwan, Borneo, Korea, Japan, New Guinea, southwestern Western Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria. They are ectomycorrhizal species mostly found in eucalyptus forests in oak and Australia and other regions of deciduous forests of Asia. Their fruit bodies emerge between July- November throughout the summer and winter seasons.


Rhubarb Bolete mushrooms are not a fatal toxic mushroom type, however, certain species, particularly those with red coloring, cause gastrointestinal irritation in many people. These mushrooms are not suitable to use so far.


Rhubarb Bolete table

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