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Specimens might be gray or brown, but their typical color is rose-pink. Similar to calcite, it crystallizes into rhombohedral or dogtooth shapes, although it can also form massive, granular, nodular, stalactitic, and botryoidal habits.

Geographical Distribution

Additionally, it can be found as a secondary mineral in sedimentary manganese deposits and in metamorphic deposits. Rhodochrosite, which is abundant in Butte, Montana, and other places, is occasionally exploited as a manganese ore. From the Emma mine, located in Butte, Silver Bow Co., Montana; from the Climax mine, located in Lake Co.; from the Sunnyside mine, located in Silverton, San Juan Co.; and from the Mountain Monarch mine, located in Ouray Co. in Colorado; at various locations. From Cananea, Sonora, and Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, in Mexico. Huge crystals from the Uchuc-Chacua deposit in the Cajatambo Province of Peru and the Huallapon mine in Pasto Bueno, Ancash Department. 


First discovered in the Romanian silver mines, rhodochrosite is a hydrothermal vein mineral that coexists with other manganese minerals in low temperature ore deposits. Argentina’s Capillitas is the site of banded rhodochrosite mining. 

First reported in 1813, it was associated with a sample from Cavnic, Maramureş, in modern-day Romania. Greek words ροδόv (rhododv, signifying rose) and χρωσις (cirrhosis, meaning coloring) are combined to form the name. 

Metaphysical Properties

Rhodochrosite is a stone that combines spiritual and physical energy, igniting the soul and stimulating feelings of love and passion. Rhodochrosite is a heart-opening stone that elevates depression and promotes a happy, upbeat attitude. It reduces emotional tension and boosts one’s sense of value.


Chemical Composition

The formula for the carbonate mineral rhodochrosite is MnCO3. Iron typically replaces some of the manganese, and certain analyses also show zinc, calcium, and magnesium.


The primary usage of rhodochrosite is as an ore of manganese, an essential ingredient in some aluminum alloys and inexpensive stainless steel compositions. Good banded specimens are frequently used as jewelry stones and accent stones. It is uncommon to find it faceted in jewelry because of its excellent cleavage and softness. 

The amalgamation method that was previously used to concentrate silver ores was severely harmed by manganese carbonate, which is why it was frequently dumped on the mine dump. 


Rhodochrosite Table

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