Education Moore Exotics


Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom.

Scientific name

Ganoderma lucidum


Reishi Mushroom has a long history of usage in China, Japan, and other Asian nations to promote longevity and health. It is a huge, black, glossy mushroom with a woody feel. The term lucidus, which is Latin for “shiny” or “bright,” alludes to the mushroom’s surface’s varnished look. G. lucidum is known as lingzhi in China whereas reishi or mannentake is the name of the Ganodermataceae family in Japan. It has a characteristic fan-like look due to its reddish-brown glossy kidney-shaped head with banding and peripherally attached stem. It is delicate, flat, and cork-like when it is young. Its underside is devoid of gills, and it instead exudes yellow spores through minute pores.

Reishi Mushroom


Reishi Mushroom grows as a saprotrophic or parasitic species on several trees in East Asia. Lingzhi grows naturally near the bases and trunks of deciduous trees, particularly maple trees. It is quite uncommon in its natural state and will only appear in a only 2-3 trees out of every 10,000 such old trees. Lingzhi is now successfully grown on hardwood trunks or wood ash.


Reishi mushrooms contain polysaccharides that are linked to immunological function; when consumed regularly, reishi can considerably strengthen the immune system. Additionally, it can help with the calmness of mind and sleep, lessen sporadic anxiety and restlessness, support pulmonary and respiratory function, and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

For males who have lower urinary tract symptoms, Reishi has been shown to reduce symptom scale ratings in one research. Reishi can be taken in conjunction with specific cancer treatments and diagnoses without concern.

Commercial G. lucidum items come in several forms, including powders, nutritional supplements, and tea. These are made from various mushroom components, including the spores, mycelia, and fruit body.


Reishi Mushroom table

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