Education Moore Exotics


Regal Moth



Scientific Name: Citheronia regalis

The North American moth Citheronia regalis, sometimes known as the regal or royal walnut moth, belongs to the Saturniidae family. Hickory horned devils are the name given to the caterpillars.

The body is orange with light yellow patterns and has the appearance of fur. This species’ magnificent caterpillar is well-known enough to earn its own name: hickory horned devil. They can grow to a maximum length of 5½ inches. Despite the wide diversity in colour, it is typically green with blue, black, white, yellow, and reddish or orange markings. On the back behind the head are long, curving horns that are orange with bluish-black ends.


The eastern United States’ deciduous woodland regions, from New Jersey to Missouri and southeast to eastern Texas and central Florida, are home to the royal moth. Deciduous woodlands with lots of black walnuts, hickories, sumacs, persimmon, sycamores, and other trees make up their habitat.



The adult moths of this species, like the majority of other giant silkworm moths, have smaller mouthparts and do not feed.

However, a variety of tree and shrub species’ foliage is consumed by the caterpillars. Top of the list are hickories (Carya), which include pecan, and its near relatives, black walnut and butternut. Because of this, the caterpillars are known as hickory horned devils. Additionally consumed are sweet gum, ashes, sycamore, lilac, and cotton.

Life Cycle

Adults no longer have their mouth parts. Adults begin laying eggs at dark on the third evening after emerging, and they mate on the second evening. The larval stage lasts for around 35 days, and eggs hatch in six to ten days.

When fully grown, the caterpillars tunnel into the ground to pupate. The majority of people encounter these magnificent larvae as they creep about in search of a location to burrow into the earth. Typically, the caterpillars are visible from July until October. They pupate over the winter.



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