Education Moore Exotics


Red Tegu

Red Tegu


Scientific name: Salvator rufescens   

Life span: 15-20 years 

A species of giant lizard found in some regions of South America is the Red Tegu, also known as the Argentine Red Tegu Lizard or simply the Argentine Tegu. They have a forked tongue, a wide skull (head), a short neck, and a strong body. They are brownish-green in color, with multiple broken white stripes running down their length and black stripes running across their width. When they mature, they acquire their distinctive red coloring, from which they derive their name.

Native Region/Habitat

The western parts of Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay make up the red tegu’s range. These tegus can be found in savannas, wetlands, rainforests, meadows, and open fields, among other environments.


Red tegus are nocturnal lizards that enjoy swimming and can run on their hind legs. They have a placid personality and are frequently seen interacting with humans. They are highly intelligent, unlike many species, neither deadly nor venomous. In captivity, they can even be trained to behave submissively towards their owners and learn to identify them. At times, they would even put social contact ahead of eating.

The wild individuals frequently display hostility towards one another and engage in combat with any prospective predators, unlike the caged specimens. They frequently dive at ordinary depths while underwater and can stay under for up to 22 minutes before needing to surface to air. They hibernate between September and March during the winter. In the wild, animals naturally engage in this behavior to survive the winter months, especially when food is scarce.

Red Tegu Lizard

Care As a pet/In captivity:


Red tegus aren’t particularly large while they’re young. Nonetheless, they become large quickly. Adults in full growth require a space that is at least twice as long as their body. Males can grow up to 5 feet tall, so you need to be prepared for their adult size.

The majority of people decide to dedicate a whole room or outside enclosure to their tegu buddies. When provided with sufficient heat and humidity, they thrive in shed enclosures. Also, they must be completely protected from even light draughts.

Heating (Temperature & Humidity): 

Red tegus require access to a range of temperatures in order to control their body temperatures. They require a constant temperature of 75 to 85 degrees F in their enclosure, with a basking place that can reach 100 degrees F. They require a humidity level of 70% to 90%.


Red tegus are opportunistic and ferocious feeders. They gain from a range of meat, fruits, and vegetables because they are omnivores. Beware, since these lizards will consume anything that moves and can fit in their jaws.

These critters, like many other reptiles, required additional calcium in their diet in order to support proper bone growth and health. You’ll need to get a calcium supplement and administer it to them at the recommended dosage specified on the packaging.


red tegu table

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