Education Moore Exotics


Red-Tailed Hawk

Red-tailed hawk


Life span: Up to 12 years in captivity, 28 years in wild

The brick-colored tails of red-tailed hawks are well-known, yet there are more than a dozen subspecies of these birds with different coloration, and not all of them have this trait. Red hawks and buzzard hawks are other names for these raptors. By whatever name, they are cunning and effective hunters. Red-tails favour wide spaces with adjacent high perches where they can keep an eye out for prey, such as fields or deserts. However, due to their adaptability, these birds can be found in both tropical jungles and mountains. Even hawks have adapted to live among people. To locate and catch mice, ground squirrels, rabbits, reptiles, and other prey, they typically perch atop telephone poles and make use of the wide spaces along the roadside.

Native Region/Habitat

On the continent, red-tailed hawks can be found in almost all open habitats. This includes the desert, meadows, scrublands, vegetation along highways, pastures, parks, degraded woodlands, and tropical rainforest. They can be found all across the Americas.

Red-Tailed Hawk


Red-tailed hawks can become combative while protecting nests or territories. When two birds are courting, they may fly with their legs hanging below them or chase and swoop after one another while periodically locking talons. Until one of them passes away, mated couples typically remain together. Red-tailed hawks will spend many years with the same spouse. They reach sexual maturity at the age of three. In early March, they begin their mating season, which is when they engage in aerial wooing displays. In these displays, the male flies high before descending sharply toward the female. On occasion, the two will lock talons together in midair, spiral toward the ground, and then separate. While in flight, the male frequently offers and tempts the female with prey. Both hawks will perch, groom each other, and mate after the aerial performance.

As a pet/In captivity

It is forbidden to keep a pet, unless one is a master falconer. The keeping of hawks requires special certification. Despite being challenging to maintain, they make intriguing pets. Hawks are great pets for the proper person. They are strong, graceful birds that may be trained to do a number of jobs. However, having a hawk entails some obligations, so it’s important to be aware of them before making the commitment.


Red-tailed hawk table

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