Education Moore Exotics


Red Squirrel



The Red squirrel can climb and descend thick branches, wide tree trunks, and even house walls thanks to its keen, curled claws. It can leap gaps between trees because to its powerful hind legs. The location and time of year have an impact on the colour of the red squirrel’s coat. Various coat colour variants exist, ranging from black to red. The majority of coats are red, with other colors coexisting among populations in other regions of Europe and Asia, similar to how some human communities can have diverse hair colors.

The squirrel always has a white-cream coloration on its bottom. The Red squirrel sheds its coat twice a year, changing between August and November from a lighter summer coat to a thicker, darker winter coat with considerably larger ear tufts (a key characteristic of this species


In Siberia and northern Europe, red squirrels live in coniferous forests, preferring Scots pine, Siberian pine, and Norway spruce. They inhabit broad-leaved forests in southern and western Europe, where the variety of trees and plants provides a richer source of food all year round. Broad-leaved forests are less appropriate today due to competition from the invasive Grey squirrel across the majority of the British Isles and Italy.



Red squirrels typically generally at their busiest in the early morning or late afternoon. They eat the most during this time. To avoid the intense heat in the spring and summer, they continue to snooze in their nests about noon. This midday break is likely to be very brief or skipped entirely in the winter. Despite spending the most of their time in the trees, these squirrels descend to the ground to look for food and bury food scraps. Instead of hibernating, Eurasian red squirrels rest in their nests during violent winds or storms, only emerging to look for food.

In order to care for their young, females spend a lot of time in their nests. Red squirrels do not form groups, but males will congregate in a female’s area to vie for her attention and the opportunity to mate.

As Pet

Red squirrels are given additional food when there is a lack of natural food. Red squirrel populations can be kept steady by maintaining a steady food source. Feeders for squirrels need to be cleaned frequently to decrease the possibility of disease transmission from migrating grey squirrels. Sunflower seeds, unsalted peanuts, and hazelnuts in their shells are the best diets for red squirrels. 4 parts peanuts and 1 part sunflower seed is a decent ratio. If you can afford them, beech nuts, sweet chestnuts, and pine nuts are also fantastic.


red-squirrel table

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