Education Moore Exotics


Red Kites

Red kites


Life span: Up to 24-26 years

A broad forked tail and long dihedral wings help this beautiful bird soar as it changes directions. The torso, upper tail, and wing coverts are all colored rufous. The black wing tips and dark secondary feathers contrast sharply with the white primary flying feathers. With the exception of weight, the sexes are identical, although juveniles have chubby breasts and belly. Although less mewling than a buzzard, it emits a thin piping sound. In the Welsh population, there is a rare white variety that makes up just around 1% of hatchlings, yet this variation has a negative impact on survival.

Red kites.

Native Region/Habitat

From Spain and Portugal eastward into central Europe and Ukraine, northward to southern Sweden, Latvia, and the United Kingdom, and southward to Italy are the breeding grounds for red kites. Morocco’s northern region is populated. Red kites are found in the drier regions of their range, which also includes northwest Africa and western Europe. Eastern Turkey, northern Tunisia, and Algeria are among the places to which northern birds migrate during the winter. Most of these species move to the west of their breeding region. Red kites favour valleys, thickets with surrounding grasslands, marsh borders, and broadleaf forests with heath and grazing. The groves and gardens they inhabit are also found in cities and, increasingly frequently, suburbs, where these birds can also be found.


Red kites fly throughout the day. Normally observed alone or in pairs, they may gather for roosting in smaller groups or form small flocks during migration. These raptors favour hunting in open spaces and hovering close to the ground. Additionally, they have been known to hunt for hours while perched on a perch, watching for prey to come by. The kite will dive bomb to capture prey with its talons when it spots it. Red kites are often silent, but when they’re excited, they’ll chirp in a high-pitched voice, such as “kiou-ki-ki-ki” or “rriu-rri-rri.”

As a pet/In captivity

They would not make a decent pet. Red Kites ought to be maintained in their natural environment. Given their size, they would require a lot of space. In many countries, keeping kites as pets is prohibited.


red kites table

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