Education Moore Exotics


Red-Factor Canary



Life span: Up to 10 years

Red factor canaries are color-bred birds that were produced by mating a domestic yellow canary with a red siskin. They are opulent and ideal for pet owners who want to flaunt their animals to guests or even at bird displays. They are easy to care for as pets, but breeding them is more challenging. This canary’s feathers range in hue from an extremely deep orange to almost red, copper, apricot, pink, and red-bronze.

Habitat/Native Region

Red feathers have been “Colorbred” into the Red Factor canary. German breeder Dr. Hans Duncker created the Red Factor Canary in the early 20th century by mating a male red siskin with a yellow canary.

As Pet



When touched, canaries are pleasant birds that don’t bite. Due to the fact that they do not enjoy the intimate touch as much as other companion birds do, this bird is excellent for someone who wishes to bring some singing and beauty to their home. Canary will recognise a person as his owner even if he won’t want any person to handle him, and he might even come to love company.

If anyone wants home to be filled with beautiful sounds, might want to consider purchasing a song canary as the red factor is not recognized or bred for its singing. Canaries of every gender will sing, nevertheless. Despite not having been “technically” trained to sing, this canary has a great tune and is a quiet bird.


For how much time canary is likely to spend inside the cage during his leisure time, should acquire him the largest cage person can afford. Make sure the cage’s bar spacing is suitable for canaries as well. Owner Will also need to set aside time to chop and grate fresh fruits and vegetables for canary so that it can enjoy them and live a long, healthy life.

To maintain their stunning red plumage, red-factor canaries need to be fed meals high in beta-carotene or supplements that are split 50/50 between pure beta-carotene and pure canthaxanthin. However, color feeding is really only required when new feathers are growing in, which typically takes place when birds are molting.


Red-factor canary table

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