Education Moore Exotics


Razor-backed Musk Turtle

Razor-backed-Musk Turtles

These turtles are the biggest variety of Musk turtles. These aquatic turtles typically conceal and hunt inside dense aquatic vegetation and live in slower-moving environments like ponds. Carnivorous Razor-backed Musk turtles eat small fish, insects, mollusks, crustaceans, amphibians, and crustaceans.

Razor-backed The shell color of a musk turtle can range from black and brown to gray or olive. The edges of the scutes are black and resemble a succession of razor-like humps. Typically, black spots cover their brown or gray skin, and black marking lines run across their shell.

Care as a Pet

Razor-backed Musk Turtles


Razor-backed Musk turtles favour areas that are warmer and more humid. Ponds or bogs with slow-moving waters are what they require. In order to give them a place to hide and hunt, they also require a lot of underwater flora. For nesting, they favour rocky or sandy surfaces. Razor-backed A few southern states in the United States are home to musk turtles. Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas are among the states where you can find them. 


For your Razor-backed Musk turtle, you’ll need to monitor the air temperature, basking temperature, and water temperature, just like with any other turtle tank. To keep track of all these temps, use thermometers. Because Razor-backed Musk turtles are native to warmer regions of North America, the air temperature must be kept between 75 and 82oF (24 to 28oC). The basking area must be kept between 29.5 and 32 degrees Celsius (85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit) warm. Keep the water between 73 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit (22.5 and 25.5 degrees Celsius). To keep the water at this temperature, if necessary, utilize a submersible water heater. Razor-backed For basking and UVB rays, musk turtles require two different kinds of light. To supply both through a single lamp, you can either use separate bulbs for each or a mercury vapour bulb.


Razor-backed in captivity, musk turtles have a food that is primarily carnivorous and closely reflects their native diet. Commercial turtle pellets like Reptomin or Mazuri can serve as the foundation of their diet. Diverse feeder fish, insects, earthworms, snails, and other protein sources can be used as a supplement to these. Duckweed can also be occasionally administered to provide a little dietary variety. Choose from the following foods for your Razor-backed Musk turtle: water snails, black Infantry fly larvae, bloodworms, bottled snails, cut-up mussels, cockles, marketed turtle pellets, crickets, bugaboo roaches, duckweed, earthworms, feast fish, mealworms and super worms.


razor-backed musk turtle table

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