Education Moore Exotics


Rare Ring of Fire Philodendron

Rare Ring of Fire Philodendron.

The world’s rarest and most valuable Philodendron. The leaves have five different hues. It is thought that the Philodendron Ring of Fire is a cross between the Philodendron Tortum (polypodioides) and the Philodendron Wendlandii. It can work in a range of lighting conditions, but it shines brightest when maintained in full sunshine. Water your philodendron when the top 1/3 layer of soil (or top 1/3 of the stick) is dry. However, the soil should never be any drier than that.

NOTE: Because these plants are toxic, they should be kept away from pets and children.

Rare Ring of Fire-Philodendron

Instructions for care:

  • South American origin
  • Indoors, the average height is 60-90cm.
  • Filtered light that ranges from medium to brilliant.
  • Allow two-thirds of the soil to dry between waterings. Avoid extended dryness.
  • Humidity: The average room humidity is adequate.
  • Temperature: The ideal range is 18°C to 24°C.
  • Soil: A moist-retentive organic potting mix that drains properly is adequate.
  • Fertilizer: Once a month, use a well-balanced organic fertilizer.
  • Repotting: If your Philodendron Narrow has gotten pot confined or top-heavy, it is preferable to re-pot it. Repot the plant into a container that is one size larger than its previous container and has adequate drainage. Use a well-draining organically rich potting mix.


rare ring of fire philodendron table

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