Education Moore Exotics


Rainbow Kribensis

Rainbow Kribensis fish


3-4 inches (7.6-10 cm)

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The rainbow kribensis fish is recognised for its vivid colors because its Latin name, “beautiful belly,” means “beautiful belly” in English. The cherry red abdomen, which brightens during mating, and the black stripes across the top, back, and sides are shared by both sexes. On the dorsal and caudal fins of some kribensis, the eye spots are encircled in gold. Kribs can coexist peacefully with other tankmates or be kept alone because of their placid nature. Tetra, tiny barbs, and other peaceful dwarf cichlids make good aquarium mates. They require a lot of cover, thus caves and vegetation are crucial.


Pelvicachromis pulcher prefers the warm (24–26 °C; 75–79 °F), acidic to neutral (pH 5.6–6.2), soft (12–22 mg L1 CaCO3) water found in southern Nigeria and around the coast of Cameroon, where the fish first appeared.

As Pet in Captivity

Rainbow Kribensis

  • Care

Care for Kribensis Cichlids is simple, regardless of your level of experience with keeping aquarium fish or lack of it altogether. These fish are adaptable to a variety of conditions and are not very demanding. When you keep animals in captivity, you must still take care of their basic needs. If you follow the care instructions listed below, you shouldn’t have any trouble keeping your Kribensis Cichlid healthy.

  • Tank Size

The Kribensis tank size Cichlids may maintain good health without a large tank. But their mood and level of stress may be impacted by the size of their tank. We advise getting an aquarium with a capacity of 20–30 gallons. Although some owners have had success keeping lone Kribensis Cichlids in 10-gallon tanks, bigger is usually preferable. You can maintain a bonded pair together or establish a small community in a bigger tank. Additionally, the additional room can deter territorial behavior.

  • Water Parameters

Your Kribensis Cichlid shouldn’t react poorly as long as you stay inside a particular range of temperature, pH, and hardness. Maintain the current state and work to maintain everything as steady as you can. They won’t mind small adjustments here and there, but they won’t adapt well to significant ones.

Following are some fundamental water specifications:

  • The water is between 75°F and 79°F.
  • pH ranges from 5.0 to 8.0 (a neutral pH balance is preferred)
  • Hardness of water: 5 to 20 dGH

When you initially purchase this species, it’s a good idea to conduct frequent water tests. This will make it simpler for these fish to settle in and help you maintain stable water conditions.

  • Diet

As omnivores by nature, Kribensis Cichlids prefer a varied diet. Sinking pellets are the simplest food you could ever offer. Choose pellets that are dense enough to sink to the bottom of the water column because these fish prefer to stay there. Offer some live, freeze-dried, or frozen foods to provide protein. Try brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, mosquito larvae, and other things. Vegetables are also found to be accepted by Kribensis cichlids. They like eating bits of zucchini and mashed peas.

  • Tank Mates

Other peaceful fish species of comparable size will make the finest tank mates for the Kribensis Cichlid. To prevent issues, you can select species that live in various areas of the water column.

Here are some potential tank companions: Catfish, Apistogramma, Congo Tetra, Majority of pleco species, Algae-eating Siamese and Harlequin Rasbora.


rainbow kribensis table

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