Education Moore Exotics


Queen of the Night Cactus


The tropical rainforests of South and Central America and southern Mexico are the native habitats of the queen of the night flower. Outdoors, mature plants can reach heights of up to 10 feet. This is a genus of tropical succulents sometimes known as climbing or orchid cactus. The Queen of the Night often develops as an epiphyte in the branches of trees in its natural habitat. You’ll see that your Night Queen produces numerous long shoots as it develops. These are protracted stems that cling to neighbouring trees and permit the plants to grow collectively in the wild.

The stem, commonly referred to as “dung,” has a tiny structure resembling a root that aids in the plant’s capacity to support more plants. These stems enable plants to traverse the canopy in quest of more light. There are numerous species and related hybrids with a wide range of sizes, colors, and forms. Typically, they have long, flat, non-spiny trailing stems. In the spring and summer, they display colorful, fragrant, and night-blooming flowers with adequate maintenance.

Care Guide


The queen of the night cactus needs light to flourish, just like most other plants do. It must receive direct sunlight in the morning in order to bloom, but after that, indirect light should be maintained.

This indoor orchid cactus prefers a south-facing window and requires at least 6 hours per day of bright indirect sunshine. If you decide to grow this plant outside, it should be positioned in dappled shade so that it can get enough early sunlight.


If given the proper soil, the queen of the night plant develops well. This plant requires a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5, well-drained, airy soil that can hold moisture, and is just slightly acidic.

Avoid dry soil at all costs, please. In addition to the prerequisites, you can improve your soil by incorporating peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark mix. Sandier soil is an option as well.



Although the Queen of the Night flower may have a fragile appearance, it is a tough plant that can withstand dry spells and does not need to be watered frequently. During the spring and summer growing seasons, water once or twice. Additionally, water less in the autumn and winter to prevent the soil from drying out. As tap water contains mineral salts that might cause soil compaction, it is preferable to use rainwater or distilled water.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant can be found in semi-desert, tropical, and subtropical areas that have scorching temperatures, intense sunlight, and little precipitation.

The recommended temperature range for this plant’s growth is 68 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant’s growth is slowed by temperatures below 50oF or above 95oF, and dormancy starts. Make care to keep it away from draughty, ventilated areas. The typical humidity levels found in most homes are ideal for the queen of the night flower’s growth. You can grow it indoors if the humidity in your home is between 40 and 50 percent.

If you live somewhere dry, think about setting it on a tray of stones with water in it to make the air more humid. To add more moisture to the plant, you can also spray it frequently. Although humidity is not typically a concern when cultivating this night cactus, it is mainly advised if the air at home is too dry.


Your Queen of the Night flower must be fertilized in order to bloom. While the growing season is active, fertilize once a month. Use nitrogen fertilizers during seedling and phosphate-potassium fertilizers before and after blooming. Always keep the fertilizers concentration as low as possible. It would be advisable to use low concentration fertilizers numerous times as opposed to high concentration. It may be an indication of too much fertilizers if the base grows slowly and is yellow; in this case, fertilization should be halted right away.


Little pruning is necessary for this plant. White flowers and branches can be removed to encourage strong development. Following the plant’s yearly bloom, you can trim it. It will aid in shaping the plant appropriately and assist in removing any yellow leaves, dead blooms, or stems.



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