Education Moore Exotics


Quaker Parakeet



Lifespan: 20-30 years

A species of true parrot belonging to the Psittacidae family is the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus), commonly referred to as the Quaker parrot. It is a tiny green parrot with a grey breast and a greenish-yellow abdomen. The throat, cheeks, and lores are a light grey colour. The edges of the feathers on the throat and abdomen are a lighter grey, giving them a barred, scalloped appearance. Olive green feathers below the belly becoming yellowish green on the legs, under the tail, and lower abdomen. The legs are grey, and the beak is a light pinkish-brown colour. Brown eyes are present. Sexual dimorphism does not exist in males and females.

Habitat/Native Region

Monk parakeets, sometimes known as Quaker parrots, can be found in lowland areas of Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, and Argentina as well as close to significant water sources. They live in open savannas, scrubby woodlands, and palm groves, particularly in areas with little rainfall. Additionally, they are dispersed throughout yards, farms, and municipal parks in South America. Open savannas, scrubby woodlands, and palm groves are preferred habitats for Myiopsitta monachus. But because of their remarkable level of adaptability, parrots are happy to live in eucalyptus trees. Quakers construct their own nests by weaving together intricate designs from sticks, small branches, twigs, and other things.


Quakers are social and confident by nature. These birds are extremely comical; they resemble small clowns. They are small birds with the personality of larger birds. They prefer to chatter a lot and are regarded for having excellent communication skills. They are bold and outgoing. These small birds require the same care as larger parrots.

They have a propensity to form a strong bond with just one person while in captivity and are renowned for their loyalty.


Care as Pet

Because they are such active birds, quakers require enough room to play. They need a cage that is at least 18 inches square, however a bigger space is preferable. Make sure it is built solidly. These birds are well renowned for learning how to unlock their cages and escaping. They also enjoy chewing.

Install a dish of clean water inside the cage to use as a birdbath; this will keep the bird entertained, active, and mentally stimulated for hours.

When they perceive a threat to their home, Quakers might become aggressive. They do take pride in their residence, therefore they may develop a strong attachment to their cage. If you are adding another Quaker to the one you already have, allow the two get to know each other in their own cages first and develop a friendship. The other bird will appear as an intrusion if not. To defend their home, they will fight and sometimes even kill.

You should keep an eye on your Quaker if you have a dog or cat as well. They can be a little brave and attempt to fight even the largest dogs.


It is advised to feed Quakers a pellet diet as a seed diet makes it more difficult to control the diversity of nutrients they need. In addition to a pellet diet, Quakers should be given a range of fruits, hard-boiled eggs, grated cheese, diced dark green and yellow vegetables, and vegetables of all colors. To keep fresh foods from rotting, remember to remove them after two hours.

Every day, Quaker Parakeets require fresh water. To stop bacterial growth, make sure you wash and rinse the dish completely every day. Vitamin supplements in powder form can be added to the food. Avoid adding them to the water as they may encourage the growth of bacteria. Additionally, you should give your parakeet cuttlebones to provide it calcium and stop its beak from overgrowing.


It is possible to shorten wings and nails to make taming easier. This service is provided by numerous veterinary hospitals. Only attempt to clip wings and nails after receiving proper guidance from your vet facility.



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