Education Moore Exotics


Psilocybe tampanensis


Scientific name 

Psilocybe tampanensis


It resembles a variety of small brown mushrooms. It has a cap with a diameter of 0.4 – 0.9 inches and a brown to sandy brown color. The cap has a convex to conic form with a small umbo. The hygrophanous nature of the caps causes them to turn from buff to yellowish-grey as they deteriorate. As the cap ages, it flattens out and occasionally develops a little hollow in the middle. The smooth surface gets sticky when it gets moist. The stalk of Tampanensis is one to two millimeters thick and two to six centimeters in length. The stem is uniform in width throughout, but somewhat expanded near the base

Psilocybe tampanensis produces psychedelic sclerotia that resemble truffles and are marketed and called “philosopher’s stones.” Some people use mushrooms and sclerotia for psychedelic or recreational purposes. Sclerotia are created by the fungus in nature as a unique kind of defense against natural calamities.

Psilocybe Tampanensis


The mushroom was first discovered in the environment in a sandy meadow close to Tampa, Florida, in 1977. It wouldn’t be discovered there again for 44 years. The initial Florida sample was cloned, and its descendants have been commonly accessible.

Psilocybe tampanensis was solely known from the original location, southeast of Brandon, Florida, for about two decades after it was discovered. In 1996, Guzmán reported discovering it in Pearl River County, Mississippi, in a field with sandy soil in a deciduous woodland, a habitat like that of the original site. However, because of its rarity, nothing is known for sure about its preferred habitat.


It is used recreationally and entheogenically as it contains the psychedelic substances psilocin and psilocybin. In a 2000 report, the species was discovered to be among the most popular magic mushrooms seized by German police.

The sclerotia also contains psilocybin in concentrations ranging from 0.31% to 0.68%. Most people say taking tampanensis is enjoyable and causes them to reflect deeply, which can result in fresh discoveries. For self-awareness and self-discovery, these effects are beneficial. People claim to have vivid hallucinations despite the fact that this strain does not often produce such hallucinations. The effects are typically thought to be less potent than those of other “magic mushrooms.” As a result, it is frequently more widely used for leisure purposes.


Psilocybe Tampanensis table

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