Education Moore Exotics


Psilocybe pelliculosa


Scientific name 

Psilocybe pelliculosa


Psilocybe pelliculosa‘s cap is firstly sharply cone-shaped and gradually widens to become widely bell-shaped, although it never becomes fully flat. Initially, the cap margin is pushed against the stem and is appendiculate, with partial veil pieces hanging from the border. When the mushroom is damp, the color varies from umber to deep dingy yellow-brown, and when dried, the color changes to pinkish-buff. The cap margin may be greenish-gray. The cuticle of the cap is a delicate gelatinous layer that may be pulled away. 

The stem is almost similar in breadth throughout, with the exception of a slightly expanded base, and is 6 to 8 centimeters long  and  1.5 to 2 mm thick. The stem’s top portion is gray and gently sprinkled with powdered white granules, while the bottom portion is brownish  and has fine “hairs” brushed against it. Where there has been damage, the flesh becomes somewhat blue or greenish.

Psilocybe pelliculosa


It grows in coniferous woods in clusters or groups of mosses, forest detritus, and hummus. The mushroom likes disturbed locations like trails and deserted forest roads; it is not usually seen in meadows. It is native to North America’s Pacific Northwest area, where it has been found in California, Oregon, Idaho,  and Washington, and it is extensively spread in British Columbia (Canada). It may also be found across northern Europe.


The psychedelic chemicals psilocybin and baeocystin are found in Psilocybe pelliculosa. The species is “quite weak” in terms of psychedelic potency. Psilocybin levels in dried mushrooms have been found to vary between 1.2 to 1.7 mg per gram, whereas baeocystin levels were tested at 0.04%.

It’s not a species that is commonly used for recreational purposes, but some folks do enjoy it, and in the wild, it may bear a tonne of fruit. The effects of P. pelliculosa are generally the same as ingesting psilocybin in any other way, however, because this is not a common mushroom to consume, particular trip stories for this species are difficult to find.


Psilocybe pelliculosa table

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