Education Moore Exotics


Portuguese Podengos

Portuguese podengo dog

The muscular, well-proportioned, and medium-sized Portuguese Podengo has a slim, square body. The smooth or wire coats of Portuguese Podengos range in color from a lighter shade of yellow or fawn to a darker shade of yellow with black sabling. These coats can be pure colors or contain white patches, which are typically found on the face, chest, legs, or feet, and tail tip.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

The most crucial things to keep in mind when taking care of this breed are to give them lots of opportunity for exercise, positive reinforcement-based training, and fundamental grooming. Regular steps are usually involved in grooming, although long-haired members of this breed also need to be brushed frequently.

portuguese podengos


The small Portuguese Podengo is a lively canine. They presumably won’t go hunting for rabbits as a family pet, but they’ll still need a place to release all that energy. A large fenced-in backyard is also excellent for this breed, however it is not necessary as long as they receive plenty of other daily exercise. Long daily walks are essential. It’s crucial to note—while we’re on the subject of that fence—that Portuguese Podengo Pequenos are fast to follow their noses and difficult to stop once they’re on the hunt.


A Portuguese Podengo Pequeno doesn’t need a lot of work to be groomed. Maintain a regular bathing schedule (once a month should be plenty), and comb out your pet’s coat after a bath if it has a wiry coat. In the absence of this, your dog’s fur can tangle. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have your nails cut every month, have your ears cleaned every week, and wash your teeth at least five days a week. Include regular brushing in the mix as well if your Portuguese Podengo Pequeno has long and/or wiry hair.

Nutrition and Diet

The nutritional requirements of Portuguese Podengo Pequenos are the same as those of the majority of dogs, and the breed thrives on a high-quality, protein-rich diet. If necessary, adjust your Portuguese Podengo Pequeno’s diet to suit special requirements, such as whether it’s a puppy or an elderly dog. After reaching maturity, this breed should be fed twice daily; but, with your veterinarian’s approval, you may occasionally be able to feed it just once a day as an adult.

Give your Portuguese Podengo Pequeno plenty of nutritious snacks, but be sure to keep them in moderation if you see any weight gain. If you have any concerns or see that your dog is putting on too much weight, consult your veterinarian.


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