Education Moore Exotics


Poodle (Toy)



Despite his small size, the Toy Poodle is one of the great aristocrats of the canine world. There is an elegant athlete and companion for all occasions and seasons hiding beneath the low-allergen, curly coat. Poodles Toys are only 10 inches tall.


The Standard Poodle, a water retrieving dog, is considered to be the ancestor of the modern Poodle. For owners who didn’t want such a large dog but were fascinated by their personality and eagerness for all types of labour, the smaller Poodles (the Toy and the Miniature) were developed as smaller copies of the original Poodle. Circuses, who were using this highly clever, simple to train, amiable, and even amusing dog in their shows with great success but felt the Standard Poodles just a little bit too big, were the main drivers behind this need for a smaller Poodle.

The Toy Poodle and the Miniature Poodle were both known as Toy Poodles up until 1907, but as even smaller variations of the breed gained popularity as a result of selective breeding, these smaller dogs (under 28 cm) became known as Toys, and Miniature was used to denote canines over 28 cm but under 38 cm.


The Poodle is a playful, friendly, and affectionate dog that is smart and entertaining. It is a delightful and enjoyable companion. They like taking part in all family activities and make good watchdogs, alerting the family to guests without being overbearing. As a result of their strong bonds with their owners, they dislike being left at home alone.



Exercise Needs

The Toy Poodle is an energetic, playful dog that appreciates canine exercise and will be content with an hour per day split into two walks. However, throughout the rest of the time, the dog will also enjoy dog games, training, interactive toys, and being included in all family activities. They may become overactive and noisy if they are bored or under-exercised.

Nutrition and Feeding

Tiny dog breeds, like the Toy Poodle, have quick metabolisms, which means they consume energy quickly even if they need to eat frequently and in tiny amounts due to their small stomachs. Small-breed diets are made with smaller kibble sizes to fit smaller mouths and appropriate quantities of vital nutrients. Additionally, this promotes chewing and enhances digestion. With the help of our simple guide, learn more about providing a balanced food for your dog.

Grooming Toy Poodles

Toy Poodles do not shed, and many allergic individuals may accept them (but not always). However, their coats do require a lot of maintenance and typically call for both regular home brushing and combing in addition to professional dog grooming. Every six weeks or so, the poodle should be taken to a groomer to have its nails cut, though you can also learn how to do it yourself. A groomer will also offer ear care advice.

Training Toy Poodles

Poodles are intelligent, quick learners, and devoted to their owners, making them a joy to teach. They’re skilled not just in dog training. With no issues at all, they may also participate in dog sports like small agility, heelwork to music, and even obedience. In fact, training and working with their owner will keep this frequently busy little dog happy and comfortable.



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