Education Moore Exotics


Plymouth Rock Chicken

Plymouth Rock Chicken

A domestic chicken breed popular in America is called the Plymouth Rock. It was discovered for the first time in Massachusetts in the nineteenth century, and for a significant portion of the early twentieth century, it was the most popular breed of chicken kept in the country. It is a chicken that is raised for both its meat and its brown eggs.


The Plymouth Rock has a big, full breast and is a robust, sturdy breed. Their lobes and comb are crimson, while their legs and beak are an intense yellow color. Their coat comes in a range of lovely colors, with the barred black and white feathering being one of the most remarkable and well-known. Their feathers are loose but thankfully don’t tangle readily.

Variations known to exist: Buff, White, and Barred. Columbian, buff columbian, blue laced, and silver partridge are more variations.

As Pet

Plymouth-Rock Chickens

  • Care

Every chicken requires a little tender loving care to keep them healthy and content. The Plymouth Rock is the ideal breed for all chicken keepers, whether you’re just getting started or have experience with poultry. This is because their grooming, nutrition, and care requirements are very conventional.

  • Housing

The Plymouth Rock requires a safe, secure coop to call home, just like every other breed of chicken. Due to their excellent egg-laying capacity, they require a large, private nesting box so that they can lay their eggs without discomfort. In order to comfortably roost and receive a good night’s sleep, they also require perches that are of a reasonable size. The coop needs to be effectively aired in order to keep the chickens cool in the summer and warm in the winter. A sneaky chilly draught in their home is the number one cause of sick chicks.

If you can’t let them go freely in the backyard, Plymouth Rocks will happily exercise their wings and run around in a run cage.

  • Feeding

The Plymouth Rock has no particular dietary restrictions. To give them a calcium boost, add shell grit to their diet or crush up eggshells and add them to their food, like with any good egg-laying breed.

Normal layer feed should be sufficient to provide their daily nutritional needs in terms of feed; they’ll merely peck at it when they feel hungry.

  • Grooming

Plymouth Rocks require only the standard upkeep that all hens require when it comes to grooming; no additional care is required. Make sure they have a lovely area where they can take a dust bath so they can take care of their own grooming, and check them frequently for worms, lice, and parasites.

  • Temperament

The Plymouth Rock is a well-known addition to backyard flocks all around the world due to its pleasant, simple-to-tame nature. The chicken and your dog can wind up being best friends because it is known to get along well with both people and other animals. They enjoy being picked up, handled, and coddled since they are so accustomed to being around people. The Plymouth Rock is a popular candidate for brooding since it also has strong parental instincts.


plymouth rock chicken table

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