Education Moore Exotics


Pitcher Plant


These plants feature tall, cylindrical pitchers that can be yellow, green, or orange and elongated leaves. The peristome of these plants frequently ages to a deep gold or reddish-brown colour. The stem, leaves, and pitchers of this species of N. veitchii are covered in rough, rusty-brown hairs.

Pitcher plants are excellent indoor plants as well, but they need some attention in terms of water and light.



Pitcher plants need extended periods of strong light to survive. It’s ideal to put them outside in direct sunshine so they can get at least six hours of it, she advises. They can be cultivated indoors under a grow lamp or on a sunny windowsill.

Water and Soil

It is crucial to adhere to your watering plan because these carnivores require a lot of moisture. Because pitcher plants are not drought-tolerant, water your plant when the soil is 25% dry and don’t skip a watering.


The good news is that pitcher plants rarely require trimming, with the exception of when leaves or pitchers start to turn brown from a lack of soil moisture or humidity. It’s preferable to remove it off the plant if more than 50% of the surface is brown.


Pitcher plants shouldn’t be given any fertilizers because they obtain the majority of their nutritional requirements from the insects they catch and consume. Because this plant is not used to live in nutrient-rich soil, there are times when fertilizer may actually hurt it.


pitcher-plant table

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