Education Moore Exotics


Pinkbar Goby

Pinkbar goby


5.75 to 6.9 inches is the body’s maximum depth.

Physical characteristics and behavior 

Seven dorsal spines, thirteen dorsal soft rays, one anal spine, and fourteen anal soft rays are all features of the pinkbar goby. An oblique brown band at the corner of the mouth, a yellow caudal fin with ocellated red spots/streaks, divided pelvic fins, with the exception of a very low membrane across the basal part of the fins, and a gill opening that extends forward approximately a third of the distance from the upper rear edge of the preopercle to the posterior margin of Series 66-92 on the long scale, are the features that distinguish this species.

As Pet

Pinkbar goby

  • Tank Size

It needs a large aquarium with plenty of loose coral rubble, at least 10 gallons in size, and enough swimming space with a sandy bottom for burrowing. A tight-fitting cover is necessary since it might attempt to jump out of the aquarium or another small opening.

  • Temperament

This shrimp goby gets along well with other peaceful fish and can live in aquariums with them. Unless they are a matched pair, it will fight with other creatures of its type. If a pistol shrimp is present, a mated couple will also develop a symbiotic relationship with it.

  • Diet

It mostly feeds on prey suspended in the water column, though it will also eat food that is on the bottom. Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen carnivore food preparations should all be part of the Pinkbar Goby diet. At least three feedings should be given to it each day.

  • Water Conditions

The pH range for the Pinkbar goby is 8.1–8.4, the salinity is 1.020–1.025, and the temperature range is 73–84°F (23–28°C).


pinkbar goby table

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