Education Moore Exotics


Pink-tail Chalceus

pink-tail chances


9.7 inches

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

A tiny, light freshwater fish with a tail that changes colors from dark red to pink, the pink-tail chalceus is a member of the family Chalceidae. It stands 24.5 cm SL tall and has huge, noticeable scales, making it the most noticeable member of the Chalceus. The pink tail chance is a quick and active fish that prefers to swim just below the surface of the water in rivers. This problem is frequently observed in institutional contexts, such as schools. The majority of its diet consists of small invertebrates, and it has been observed to leap out of the water in search of flying insects.

Care and Keeping in a Tank

Pink-tail chances

  • Tank Size

The Pink Tail Chalceus is among the simpler kinds of tropical freshwater fish to maintain as long as a few requirements are satisfied for their welfare. These include a sizable tank, clean, well-oxygenated water, and lots of space for movement.

This species needs a minimum aquarium tank size of 48 inches, or roughly 55 gallons, due to its capacity to grow to large sizes and need to be constantly active. They will be able to swim in a tank that is designed horizontally rather than vertically. This should be enough to maintain a handful of these pink-tailed sharks that are up to 5 inches long. Consider a double volume tank, 100 gallons or more, while keeping the same horizontal aspect for fish between 5 and 10 inches. They will have more space as a result, which will lessen interspecies conflict.

  • Substrate and Plant

What you put in the bottom to mid-level of the aquarium is basically irrelevant because these pink-tailed fish will live in the aquarium’s upper levels. A substrate made of gravel or sand is appropriate. If they leave the top of the tank open and transparent, tank decorations like pebbles and/or shelters are also appropriate. A few floating plants will aid in simulating their natural environment and can operate as a source of diversion so that they are not always fixated on one another.

  • Filtration System

Your choice of filtering equipment for Pink Tail Chalceus is crucial on both counts. To replicate the conditions of their native home, it must keep the water extremely clean and supply water that is fully oxygenated. The best system will have strong water movement.

  • Tank Mates

The Pink Tail Chalceus is a larger predatory fish and is best kept in a tank with fish of the same species or others that are comparable in size and activity. Smaller fish will either be eaten or subjected to severe bullying if kept.

The following species thrive with this pink tail fish:

  • tetras from South America that are larger, such the Silver Dollar Tetra.
  • species of Leporinus, such the stunning Black Banded Leporinus.
  • Cichlids, which live in the aquarium’s lowest levels.
  • Catfish native to South America that are suitable for aquariums.
  • Other non-swimming tank mates, such as snails.

Barbs and rainbowfish could do well in a Pink Tail Chalceus tank if you wish to add non-South American fish. The secret to successfully integrating tank mates is to keep species that will occupy various aquarium levels with little interaction and are similar in size and temperament. A content tank is achievable with a well-thought-out, segregated tank décor design.

  • Water Conditions

Pink Tail Chalceus prefers temperatures of 73 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (23 and 28 degrees Celsius). A typical aquarium heater can be used to maintain the temperature there. Anything from sand to gravel could be the base.

  • Diet

Feeding the Pink Tail Chalceus is quite simple. It accepts a variety of food kinds, including frozen, flake, and pellets as well as live food. Diverse diets are advised, feeding the fish once or twice daily with a variety of items to keep a healthy fish. Smaller meals twice a day will reduce hostility and encourage more food consumption. This will lessen the likelihood of moldy food building up at the tank’s bottom. Feed animal protein-rich flakes and pelted food to your Pink Tail Chalceus. Consider tank favorites like chopped earthworms, bloodworms, small brine shrimp, and insects like small crickets as live or frozen feed.


pink-tail chalceus table

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