Education Moore Exotics


Philodendron Pluto

Philodendron Pluto

Understanding where this plant comes from and its original environment is essential for caring for a Philodendron bipinnatifidum indoors. It is native to South America and may grow to be 15 feet tall at maturity. This tropical plant may also be grown as a houseplant in pots. You must pick if you want a large Philodendron bipinnatifidum tree or a smaller one.


It must be exposed to direct sunshine on a regular basis. When direct sunlight is unavailable, indirect lighting is necessary. You don’t want to expose it to direct sunlight for too long at a time. Sunburns will be visible in the leaf scars, especially if you reside in a warm environment.


The temperature should be comfortable, whether indoors or outside. If planted inside, it must be kept at warm temperatures because it is a tropical plant. The leaf philodendron can withstand temperatures of at least 70°F indoors.

If you want to cultivate the Philodendron bipinnatifidum outside, you’ll need a climate that stays warm most of the year. The Southeast’s subtropical weather is often excellent for various outdoor activities. The philodendron bipinnatifidum may survive in temperatures as low as 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.


Keep the soil wet in your plant to promote healthy development. By utilizing distilled water, you may provide your Philodendron bipinnatifidum with the cleanest and healthiest alternatives. This is useful if you are maintaining a young growth plant inside.


The Philodendron bipinnatifidum will grow in areas with high humidity levels. They require roughly 80% humidity in the air on a daily basis for optimal development. With a pebble tray beneath the plant, the new plants will absorb water and grow within the home.


Whether you are growing the tree Philodendron bipinnatifidum in your house or in your yard, you must ensure that the proper fertilizer is provided at the appropriate time. This is also true for fertilizer because these spectacular leaves might be sensitive to sunshine. Make sure you use organic stuff to avoid fertilizer burn on the roots and foliage.

Liquid fertilizer is the ideal alternative for your Philodendron bipinnatifidum since it works well with the soil, preventing it from becoming acidic or salty.


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