Education Moore Exotics


Philodendron heterocraspedon


The tropical plant Philodendron heterocraspedon The plant’s leaves are oblong-elliptic in form with a sub coriaceous texture. The leaves are bicolorous as well, with a dark green adaxial surface and a lighter abaxial surface. It is a climbing vine that is evergreen. The plant’s stems are robust and hollow, and its roots are generally found in damp soils. This plant’s blossoms are white in color. The plant’s fruit is a three-lobed capsule containing black seeds.

Philodendron heterocraspedon

Soil Required:

It thrives in a well-draining potting mix.

Light criteria:

It will perform effectively in indirect light ranging from low to bright. No need to worry if you live in a low-light environment! This plant is ideal for you and will continue to thrive.


This plant thrives in moderate to evenly wet soil, but will not tolerate damp soil.


It is a quickly expanding plant that thrives when given a lot of fertilizer. During the growing season, apply a balanced fertilizer every two weeks; in the winter, cut back to once per month. Make sure to adhere to the application rates and frequency recommendations provided by the manufacturer. It’s better to err on the side of too little fertilizer than too much fertilizer as both might result in leaf burn.


Philodendron heterocraspedon table

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