Education Moore Exotics


Pennyroyal Mint

Pennyroyal Mint.


The spreading plant known as pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) has upright stems and blooms in whorls of pale purple flowers in the middle to late summer. The medium-green, tiny oval leaves hang down from stalks that can reach a height of one foot. The scent of crushed pennyroyal leaves is reminiscent of spearmint, although the two plants are not the same.

Pennyroyal (M. pulegium) is a plant that is notable for its creeping habit and strong scent. It has small, round, obtuse leaves and flowers in axillary whorls. It has been used in traditional medicine to start menstruation and cause perspiration.


Native to Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, M. pulegium is a perennial herb. It has been brought to Mozambique, Australia, New Zealand, the Americas, and several regions of Asia.


Pennyroyal, an essential oil or tea made from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant, has been used in traditional medicine to treat inflammation, chronic bronchitis, menstruation problems, and cause abortions. Because of its extreme toxicity, using the oil internally is not advised.

Pennyroyal Mint


Pennyroyal does not have any designated cultivars; the species plant is the only one that is often sold. Hedeoma pulegioides, sometimes known as American pennyroyal, is a native plant that grows naturally in eastern North America, ranging from the Dakotas to Nova Scotia and south to Georgia and Arkansas. Though the blossoms of this plant are more true blue in color than lavender, they grow similarly to Mentha pulegium in terms of necessities related to culture.

Plant Care

  • Light

Pennyroyal plants thrive in partial sunshine, particularly dappled light, however they may even withstand full sun provided they get enough hydration. Plant your pennyroyal in an area that receives at least six hours of sunshine per day as a general rule of thumb.

  • Soil

The ideal growing conditions for pennyroyal plants are rich, moist soil that has been treated with organic matter. Nevertheless, the plant can also thrive in clay or sandy soil; in fact, in certain cases, a less-than-ideal soil mixture can aid in controlling the plant’s explosive development. Pennyroyal grows equally well in neutral, slightly alkaline, or acidic soil; it is not sensitive to the pH of the soil.

  • Water

Consistent moisture is essential for a pennyroyal plant to flourish. The soil’s surface needs to be consistently damp to the touch. Pennyroyal thrives in moist environments, such as the sides of streams or low-lying landscape depressions.

  • Temperature and Humidity

Pennyroyal thrives in climates with hot or cool summers. For growth, humid environments are preferable to arid or desert regions; nevertheless, pennyroyal may tolerate arid climates if it receives adequate watering.

  • Fertilizer

It’s not required to use chemical fertilizers to develop healthy pennyroyal plants. Compost, leaf mold, or manure that has been rich in organic humus can provide the plants with all the nutrients they require. In actuality, pennyroyal plants that receive excessive fertilizer may not bloom as much.


Pennyroyal Mint table

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