Education Moore Exotics


Pearl Gourami

Pearl Gourami


The maximum length is 4-5 inches.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Beautiful fish known as pearl gouramis have a sparkling mosaic appearance. Their bodies are covered in a pattern resembling pearls, and a strong black line runs from the top of their head to the tip of their tail fin. Males frequently have a neck that turns bright orange during mating season. The pearl gourami stands out as a distinctive and fascinating freshwater fish thanks to its long pair of modified ventral fins and large dorsal fin.


The following are this species’ habitat needs: Thirty-gallon tank capacity; water temperature of 75 to 86 degrees; pH range of 6.5 to 8.0; and hardness range of 5 to 18 dGH.

As Pet Requirements

Pearl Gourami fishes

  • Tank Size

A pearl Gourami would require a 30-gallon tank, or about 23 litres. Keep in mind that each gourami needs 6 litres of water if you decide to keep a couple of them. Therefore, 4 to 5 Pearl Gouramis would suffice in a 30-gallon tank if you only wish to keep them.

  • Lighting

Use dark substrate and dim lighting to see through lush greens. This would resemble the swamp-like ecosystem they are native to. I suggest you look into LED aquarium lighting for this. You’ll be able to mimic natural circumstances in your Gourami tank with the wide range of configurable settings available.

  • Feeding

When it comes to selecting fish food for Pearl Gouramis, you have a number of options. They could indulge in some greens; simple options include boiled peas, spinach, and lettuce. To make sure they receive complete nutrition, it would be beneficial to combine it with something higher in protein. Glass/blood worms and even the live or frozen foods sold at pet stores are examples of protein-rich foods.

  • Plants, Ground Cover, and Decorations

The simplest approach to make the Pearl Gourami happy is to design the tank such that it feels like their home. They would be accustomed to fern and greens in their natural habitat. In order to help maintain the tank clean, try to fill your tank with live aquarium plants. Make sure the plants are active so that they can be nibbled on. It would also be acceptable to use any live ferns and water weeds. Last but not least, all of this should rest on a sandy surface, so be sure to add sand or soft gravel at the bottom. Rocks would be a nice addition because they are abundant in their natural habitats.

  • Parameters for water

When talking about water parameters, it’s important to keep things stable rather than aim for perfection. The factors listed below must be taken into account while thinking about the water in your tank.

  • Temperature: Being tropical fish, Pearl Gouramis do better in warmer water. Plan on between 25 and 28 degrees. To set this, use a tank water heater.
  • pH: Pearl gouramis are great since they can withstand less acidic pH levels and are resilient. Although they prefer acidic water naturally, it’s possible that your pearl gourami was raised in captivity and can withstand a wider pH range of 6 to 8, which is agreeable and neutral.
  • kH: Aim for water hardness levels of between 5 and 25 DH. If your water is too hard, you can soften it by using an electric water softener, a showerhead filter, or calcium carbonate (baking soda).


pearl gourami table

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