Education Moore Exotics





The stems include terminal tendrils to help them climb, and they have complex leaves with three pairs of leaflets. On each stalk, 2-3 pink, reddish purple, or white flowers in the shape of butterflies are produced. The fruit is a pod that grows to reach 10 cm long before splitting in half. Inside the capsule, 5-10 seeds are connected by slender stalks. There are seeds that are green, yellow, white, or variegated.


Peas come in a wide range of varieties, including:

“Green Arrow” is a vining garden pea that delivers a lot of crop.

The snap pea variety known as “Early Snap” is ready for harvesting earlier than most others.

“Snowbird” is a fusarium wilt-resistant variety of snow pea.



Fresh, canned, or frozen peas are all readily available, and dried peas are frequently used in soups. The edible pods of some kinds, such as sugar peas and snow peas, are consumed raw or cooked like green beans and are commonly used in East Asian cuisines.


Green peas in their raw state are mostly water, 14% carbohydrate, 5% protein, and very little fat. A serving of 100 g of fresh green peas provides 81 calories of food energy and is a high source of vitamin C, vitamin K, thiamine, and manganese. It also contains a number of B vitamins and dietary minerals in moderate amounts.


Peas should be planted in the backyard garden in an open area with fertile, well-drained soil. Peas are occasionally produced throughout the winter and early spring in warmer areas since the chilly part of the growing season is favorable for growth and development. Root rot, powdery mildew, and a number of viral infections are the most prevalent ailments that harm peas. Dwarf, half-dwarf, smooth-seeded, trailing, and wrinkled-seeded types are also often produced. Processes for canning and freezing vary by plant size, variety, pod shape and size, and maturation period.



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