Education Moore Exotics


Parrot Waxcap


Scientific name 

Gliophorus psittacinus


The Parrot Waxcap Mushroom, often known as the Parrot Toadstool, is a vibrant species of the genus Gliophorus. This mushroom develops its distinctive and vivid green shades when they get mature and move towards the fruiting cycle. It eventually turns yellow-pink. The name Gliophorus is derived from the Greek glia-, which means glue, and the Latin -phorus, which is derived from the Greek -phoros, which means bearing: Gliophorus is the name given to the glue-like viscous liquid that covers the caps, gills, and stems of this mushroom. The bell-shaped crown, which is initially green with hues of yellow, purple, and orange, expands, frequently becoming somewhat umbonate, and turns brighter yellow, occasionally keeping an orange.

Parrot Waxcap

The diameter of this mushroom is about 2- 4 cm. The parrot waxcap mushroom has distant gills that have a very thin or adnate connection to the stem. Initially, they are green near the stem and yellow near the border of the cap. As their fruiting body expands the green color of their gills vanish.  Their stem is thin and normally upright, green towards the cap and progressively becoming yellow from the lower side. These mushrooms are firm with light-colored flesh. The stem is  4- 8mm in diameter and 4- 6 cm in height. 


Parrot Waxcap mushrooms are endemic to Ireland, Britain, Wales, Europe, and the United Kingdom. They preferably grow on neutral or acidic nature grasslands, roadside verges, woodland, and churchyards. They are mostly located in colder and moist areas.


Parrot Waxcap mushrooms are edible but consumption in high quantities can cause gastrointestinal issues. They dislike being disturbed or sprayed, thus they can be found in fields and woods where they’ve been left alone. Waxcaps are now known to grow in combination with mosses; before, waxcaps were assumed to be saprophytic, surviving on decaying organic materials.


Parrot Waxcap table

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