Education Moore Exotics


Oriental Lily

Oriental Lily.

In order to purposely produce a bloom with upward-facing rather than drooping flowers, the “Stargazer” lily (Lilium orientalis “Stargazer“) was produced in the late 1970s as a hybrid between Lilium auratum and L. speciosum. The flowers have “reflexed” tips, which means they curl back towards the stem, and long, prominent stamens. With a spicy scent that some find a little overpowering, they are among the most fragrant flowers. They are incredibly magnificent petals with a diameter of 6 inches or more; ‘Stargazer’ is not a delicate flower.

Care Guide

Oriental Lily..


Stargazers can tolerate little shade but prefer full light (eight hours per day). In shady areas, the stems will grow lanky and excessively long, necessitating staking, which is not essential when planted in full sun.


Oriental lilies thrive in any medium soil with normal moisture, including varieties like “Stargazer.” They do well in neutral soils but prefer slightly acidic soils (pH 6.3 to 6.8). In alkaline soils, feeding with an acid fertilizer promotes their growth.


In containers, oriental lilies can grow well. Follow the same cultural guidelines for planting lilies in the garden when potting them. Make sure containers are appropriate for the size of your lily and move them to a more protective location, such as your garage, to prevent freeze damage during extremely hard winters.


“Stargazer” lilies require constant moisture, but if the bulbs are allowed to soak in mucky circumstances or standing water, they may rot. Every time the soil feels dry to the touch, they need to be watered. These plants need around 1 inch of water per week, either through irrigation or rainfall. It is preferable to water by saturating the soil for six inches; never water overhead as this can harm the flowers. The soil will stay moist with the help of mulch.

Temperature and Humidity

Lilies flourish in hot conditions, although they can tolerate all the climates indicated in their hardiness zone range if the soil is sufficient. In midsummer, when temperatures regularly exceed 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, maximum flowering is attained.

While the bulbs should be kept cool, “Stargazer” prefers to have its leaves and stems in direct sunlight. The bulbs will stay cooler if you place them near other plants that provide shade for the ground or if you cover the ground with a thick layer of mulch.


‘Stargazer’ is a heavy feeder, like many plants with big, showy flowers. Apply a big amount of 10-10-10 fertilizer in the early spring when the shoots have appeared for the greatest results. Throughout the growing season, replenish with smaller feedings every few weeks. After each feeding, drink plenty of water. When the soil is not optimal, “Stargazer” will flourish if fed with an acid fertilizer, such as one made specifically for azaleas.

‘Stargazer’ Varieties

‘Stargazer’ varieties may carry proprietary names particular to the company selling them, but in general, they fall into three categories:

Pink Stargazers: This well-known variety has dots that are rose- or brown-colored and is dark pink to scarlet with white margins. It blooms in the early to midsummer and is hardy in zones 3 to 8. When fully grown, it is only approximately 30 inches long. This breed can handle some shade.

White Stargazers: Large, spectacular blooms with petals that curl back at the tips are a characteristic of White Stargazers. They work well in zones 10 and above with warmer weather. This kind can grow up to 48 inches tall and needs full sun. It blooms around the middle to end of summer.

Golden Stargazers: This new classification is a hybrid of trumpet lilies and Oriental lilies. With petals that bend back at the tips, it features deep yellow blooms with red dots. It grows to a height of 4 feet, thrives in partial shade to full sun, and blooms in the middle of summer. It’s appropriate for zones 3 to 9.


oriental lily table

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