Education Moore Exotics


Orange Peel Mushroom

Orange Peel Mushroom

Scientific name

Aleuria aurantia


Orange Peel Fungus is a very eye-catching fungus that ranges from pale orange to dark orange-red within the cup, while the bottom surface is lighter and coated in a fine white powder. The cups start spherical but quickly develop wavy borders and the potential to split. They lack a discernible stem; instead, a thickening in the middle of the cap connects them to the ground. These mushrooms lack a recognizable cap. They are thin, brittle, and delicate. They can be flattened or cup-shaped, and they may form a flower pattern. It can expand up to 10 cm in diameter and up to 5cm in height. The underbelly is fluffy and white-grey when immature.

Orange Peel Mushroom.

The cup is normally 2 to 4 cm in length, with mycelial strands connecting it to the earth and no apparent stipe is present. The exterior surface of the cup is pale and sterile; spores are formed on the inner surface of the cup and give them a lustrous appearance. They produce Ascus spores that are eight in number. The diameter of the ascus is 85- 200 x 10-13µm.


The orange peel fungus is endemic to Chile, North America, and Europe. They are mostly found or distributed on gravel, grass, mosses, soil, and clay. The growth season of these mushrooms is between summer and winter. They can also be found growing on the roadside, in dead tree branches, and woodland areas.


The orange peel fungus has therapeutic potential as it contains antimicrobial and antifungal compounds. They also prevent post-harvest fruit diseases. These mushrooms contain polyphenolic compounds that are responsible for antifungal activity. Orange peel mushrooms also contain phenolic acids, flavonoids, and coumaric acid that are helpful in the growth inhibition of many other fungal species that cause destruction and increase the shelf life of fruits after harvest. They are edible mushrooms and do not secrete harmful substances. They have a pleasant taste and odor.


Orange Peel Mushroom table

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