Education Moore Exotics


Orange-Headed Cockroach

Orange-Headed Cockroach

The orange-headed cockroach, Eublaberus posticus, is a species of cockroach that is indigenous to South and Central America.

E. posticus females have been found to endure on water alone for up to 360 days. The moment the wings have fully developed but before the cuticle has set, they mate. During sexual activity, females have been reported to kick at the intersexual junction.

Keeping as Pet

The orange-headed cockroach is a great species for beginners. It originates from South America and has a head that is a striking shade of orange. With a maximum length of around 2 inches and a remarkable reproduction rate that actually makes this species a nice companion as well as a good feeder, it is a rather large species.


Requirements to Keep as Pet

  • Care 

It’s easy to take care of this particular species of cockroach. The main challenge in maintaining this species is preventing cannibalism, which can be reduced with additional hiding places, enough hydration, and a suitable diet.

  • Enclosure

This species is relatively easy to contain because it cannot fly or climb. It can be housed in nearly any type of container under settings that are fairly similar to those for dubia roaches.

  • Feeding 

This species prefers a high-protein diet because it is prone to cannibalism. Feeding a typical diet of grains, potatoes, vegetables, and fruit is acceptable, but make sure to provide high-quality proteins, such as those found in dog food, as a supplement.

  • Humidity

As a result, this species should be kept in a high-humidity environment since it enjoys a somewhat high moisture environment. Cannibalism is encouraged in this species by dry conditions. By often spraying the container and preserving a deep, moist substrate, may raise the humidity level.

  • Temperature

A temperature range of 75 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit should be maintained for the orange-headed cockroach. A heat mat or emitter can be used to provide heat.

  • Breeding 

If kept at a high enough temperature, this species reproduces very effectively. Because cannibalism is widespread, nymphs provide lots of places to hide.


orange-headed cockroach table

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