Education Moore Exotics


Orange Arm Borneo Crab

Orange Arm Borneo Crab

An unusual species with stunning markings, the Orange Arm Borneo Crab regularly reproduces in the paludarium.

Java, Indonesia is home to a small, brightly colored, semi-terrestrial species known as the Orange Arm Borneo Crab (Lepidothelphusa sp.). It lives in forested settings close to rivers, streams, and ponds. Even though it spends the majority of its time on land, it frequently swims in freshwater. Males normally have one larger and one smaller claw, while females have two equally sized claws. It is communal with members of its own species.

Keeping as Pet

Orange Arm-Borneo Crab

Feed and Habitat

The vampire crab can be found in plants and leaf litter in the wild. It needs a large amount of land in the paludarium. The majority of the time, it won’t eat good plants, but it will frequently maintain them clean and may eat dead leaves. It requires a lot of cover, like the majority of crabs, especially when molting, thus there must be a lot of decoration. It is communal with members of its own species but frequently violent with members of other crab species, notably those of the vampire crab family with whom it competes in the wild. Since it is an adept climber, extra caution must be exercised to prevent it from escaping its confinement.

The Orange Arm Borneo Crab is an omnivorous scavenger and infrequent opportunistic hunter, like the majority of crabs. It consumes debris and filamentous algae in the paludarium and is especially receptive to high-quality dry meals that are abundant in plant stuff. Bloodworms, cyclops, and other comparable frozen or dry foods are suggested because it also eats animal products. Insects, worms, and other invertebrates are also excellent sources of nourishment, as are fresh and dried vegetables. Care must be taken when selecting the Orange Arm Borneo Crab’s tank mates since because of its opportunistic nature, it may devour other decorative fish and invertebrates.


orange arm borneo crab table

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