Education Moore Exotics


Nustrale Pig

nustrale pig


160-200 Kilograms



Physical Appearance

Its small stature (60-65 cm height at withers and 160-200 kg of live weight), remarkable rusticity, and predominantly black bristles that occasionally alternate with white or, in cases of low population, grey ones distinguish the black Corsican pig, also known as the nustrale.

Characteristics and Genetics

It is an Iberian breed with an unrestricted phenotype. This explains why its coat has a range of colors. They are pigs that grow slowly and spend the entire year outside. They stray to higher mountain pastures in the summer, where they mostly eat grass and roots. When they return to the valleys in the fall, they eat food from the forest undergrowth, primarily chestnuts or acorns, mixed with barley and other crops, depending on the climate. When they weigh 80–120 kg and are about 14–24 months old in the winter, they are killed.


nustrale pig table

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